# TRS-80 Model 4p ## Ports Address Read Write FC-FF Cassette in Cassette out, resets F8-FB Rd printer status Wr to printer F4-F7 - Drive select F3 FDC data reg FDC data reg F2 FDC sector reg FDC sector reg F1 FDC track reg FDC track reg F0 FDC status reg FDC cmd reg EC-EF Reset RTC INT Mode output EB RS232 recv holding reg RS232 xmit holding reg EA UART status reg UART/modem control E9 - Baud rate register E8 Modem status Master reset/enable UART control reg E4-E7 Rd NMI status Wr NMI mask reg E0-E3 Rd INT status Wr INT mask reg CF HD status HD cmd CE HD size/drv/hd HD size/drv/hd CD HD cylinder high HD cylinder high CC HD cylinder low HD cylinder low CB HD sector # HD sector # CA HD sector cnt HD sector cnt C9 HD error reg HD write precomp C8 HD data reg HD data reg C7 HD CTC chan 3 HD CTC chan 3 C6 HD CTC chan 2 HD CTC chan 2 C5 HD CTC chan 1 HD CTC chan 1 C4 HD CTC chan 0 HD CTC chan 0 C2-C3 HD device ID - C1 HD control reg HD Control reg C0 HD wr prot reg - 94-9F - - 90-93 - Sound option 8C-8F Graphic sel 2 Graphic sel 2 8B CRTC Data reg CRTC Data reg 8A CRTC Control reg CRTC Control reg 89 CRTC Data reg CRTC Data reg 88 CRTC Control reg CRTC Control reg 84-87 - Options reg 83 - Graphic X reg 82 - Graphic Y reg 81 Graphics RAM Graphics RAM 80 - Graphics options reg Bit map Address D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 F8-FB-Rd Busy Paper Select Fault - - - - EC-EF-Rd (any read causes reset of RTC interrupt) EC-EF-Wr - CPU - Enable Enable Mode Cass - Fast EX I/O Altset Select Mot on E0-E3-Rd - Recv Recv Xmit 10 Bus RTC C Fall C Rise Error Data Empty int Int Int Int E0-E3-Wr - Enable Enable En.Xmit Enable Enable Enable Enable Rec err Rec dat Emp 10 int RTC int CF int CR int 90-93-Wr - - - - - - - Sound Bit 84-87-Wr Page Fix upr Memory Memory Invert 80/64 Select Select mem bit 1 bit 0 video Bit 1 Bit 0 ## Memory map ### Memory map 1 - model III mode 0000-1fff ROM A (8K) 2000-2fff ROM B (4K) 3000-37ff ROM C (2K) - less 37e8/37e9 37e8-37e9 Printer Status Port 3800-3bff Keyboard 3c00-3fff Video RAM (page bit selects 1K or 2K) 4000-7fff RAM (16K system) 4000-ffff RAM (64K system) ### Memory map 2 0000-37ff RAM (14K) 3800-3bff Keyboard 3c00-3fff Video RAM 4000-7fff RAM (16K) end of one 32K bank 8000-ffff RAM (32K) second 32K bank ### Memory map 3 0000-7fff RAM (32K) bank 1 8000-f3ff RAM (29K) bank 2 f400-f7ff Keyboard f800-ffff Video RAM ### Memory map 4 0000-7fff RAM (32K) bank 1 8000-ffff RAM (32K) bank 2 ## Supervisor calls SVC are made by loading the correct SVC number in A, other params in other regs, and then call `rst 0x28`. Z is pretty much always used for success or as a boolean indicator. It is sometimes not specified when there's not enough tabular space, but it's there. When `-` is specified, it means that the routine either never returns or is always successful. Num Name Args Res Desc 00 IPL - - Reboot the system 01 KEY - AZ Scan *KI, wait for char 02 DSP C=char AZ Display character 03 GET DE=F/DCB AZ Get one byte from device or file 04 PUT DE=F/DCB C=char AZ Write one byte to device or file 05 CTL DE=DBC C=func CAZ Output a control byte 06 PRT C=char AZ Send character to printer 07 WHERE - HL Locate origin of SVC 08 KBD - AZ Scan keyboard and return 09 KEYIN HL=buf b=len c=0 HLBZ Accept a line of input 0a DSPLY HL=str AZ Display message line 0b LOGER HL=str AZ Issue log message 0c LOGOT HL=str AZ Display and log message 0d MSG DE=F/DCB HL=str AZ Send message to device 0e PRINT HL=str AZ Print message line 0f VDCTL special spc Video functions 10 PAUSE BC=delay - Suspend program execution 11 PARAM DE=ptbl HL=str Z Parse parameter string 12 DATE HL=recvbuf HLDE Get date 13 TIME HL=recvbuf HLDE Get time 14 CHNIO IX=DCB B=dir C=char - Pass control to next module in device chain 15 ABORT - - Abort Program 16 EXIT HL=retcode - Exit to TRSDOS 18 CMNDI HL=cmd - Exec Cmd w/ return to system 19 CMNDR HL=cmd HL Exec Cmd 1a ERROR C=errno - Entry to post an error message 1b DEBUG - - Enter DEBUG 1c CKTSK C=slot Z Check if task slot in use 1d ADTSK C=slot - Remove interrupt level task 1e RMTSK DE=TCB C=slot - Add an interrupt level task 1f RPTSK - - Replace task vector 20 KLTSK - - Remove currently executing task 21 CKDRV C=drvno Z Check drive 22 DODIR C=drvno b=func ZBHL Do directory display/buffer 23 RAMDIR HL=buf B=dno C=func AZ Get directory record or free space 28 DCSTAT C=drvno Z Test if drive assigned in DCT 29 SLCT C=drvno AZ Select a new drive 2a DCINIT C=drvno AZ Initialize the FDC 2b DCRES C=drvno AZ Reset the FDC 2c RSTOR C=drvno AZ Issue a FDC RESTORE command 2d STEPI C=drvno AZ Issue a FDC STEP IN command 2e SEEK C=drvno DE=addr - Seek a cylinder 2f RSLCT C=drvno - Test for drive busy 30 RDHDR HL=buf DCE=addr AZ Read a sector header 31 RDSEC HL=buf DCE=addr AZ Read a sector 32 VRSEC DCE=addr AZ Verify sector 33 RDTRK HL=buf DCE=addr AZ Read a track 34 HDFMT C=drvno AZ Hard disk format 35 WRSEC HL=buf DCE=addr AZ Write a sector 36 WRSSC HL=buf DCE=addr AZ Write system sector 37 WRTRK HL=buf DCE=addr AZ Write a track 38 RENAM DE=FCB HL=str AZ Rename file 39 REMOV DE=D/FCB AZ Remove file or device 3a INIT HL=buf DE=FCB B=LRL AZ Open or initialize file 3b OPEN HL=buf DE=FCB B=LRL AZ Open existing file or device 3c CLOSE DE=FCB/DCB AZ Close a file or device 3d BKSP DE=FCB AZ Backspace one logical record 3e CKEOF DE=FCB AZ Check for EOF 3f LOC DE=FCB BCAZ Calculate current logical record number 40 LOF DE=FCB BCAZ Calculate the EOF logical record number 41 PEOF DE=FCB AZ Position to end of file 42 POSN DE=FCB BC=LRN AZ Position file 43 READ DE=FCB HL=ptr AZ Read a record 44 REW DE=FCB AZ Rewind file to beginning 45 RREAD DE=FCB AZ Reread sector 46 RWRIT DE=FCB AZ Rewrite sector 47 SEEKSC DE=FCB - Seek cylinder and sector of record 48 SKIP DE=FCB AZ Skip a record 49 VER DE=FCB HLAZ Write and verify a record 4a WEOF DE=FCB AZ Write end of file 4b WRITE DE=FCB HL=ptr AZ Write a record 4c LOAD DE=FCB HLAZ Load program file 4d RUN DE=FCB HLAZ Run program file 4e FSPEC HL=buf DE=F/DCB HLDE Assign file or device specification 4f FEXT DE=FCB HL=str - Set up default file extension 50 FNAME DE=buf B=DEC C=drv AZHL Get filename 51 GTDCT C=drvno IY Get drive code table address 52 GTDCB DE=devname HLAZ Get device control block address 53 GTMOD DE=modname HLDE Get memory module address 55 RDSSC HL=buf DCE=addr AZ Read system sector 57 DIRRD B=dirent C=drvno HLAZ Directory record read 58 DIRWR B=dirent C=drvno HLAZ Directory record write 5a MUL8 C*E A Multiply C by E 5b MUL16 HL*C HLA Multiply HL by C 5d DIV8 E/C AE Divides E by C 5e DIV16 HL/C HLA Divides HL by C 60 DECHEX HL=str BCHL Convert Decimal ASCII to binary 61 HEXDEC HL=num DE=buf DE Convert binary to decimal ASCII 62 HEX8 C=num HL=buf HL Convert 1 byte to hex ASCII 53 HEX16 DE=num HL=buf HL Convert 2 bytes to hex ASCII 64 HIGH$ B=H/L HL=get/set HLAZ Get or Set HIGH$/LOW$ 65 FLAGS - IY Point IY to system flag table 66 BANK B=func C=bank BZ Memory bank use 67 BREAK HL=vector HL Set Break vector 68 SOUND B=func - Sound generation