; *** Variables *** ; A list of words for each member of the A-Z range. .equ VAR_TBL VAR_RAMSTART .equ VAR_RAMEND @+52 ; *** Code *** varInit: ld b, VAR_RAMEND-VAR_RAMSTART ld hl, VAR_RAMSTART xor a .loop: ld (hl), a inc hl djnz .loop ret ; Check if A is a valid variable letter (a-z or A-Z). If it is, set A to a ; valid VAR_TBL index and set Z. Otherwise, unset Z (and A is destroyed) varChk: call upcase sub 'A' ret c ; Z unset cp 27 ; 'Z' + 1 jr c, .isVar ; A > 'Z' dec a ; unset Z ret .isVar: cp a ; set Z ret ; Try to interpret line at (HL) and see if it's a variable assignment. If it ; is, proceed with the assignment and set Z. Otherwise, NZ. varTryAssign: inc hl ld a, (hl) dec hl cp '=' ret nz ld a, (hl) call varChk ret nz ; We have a variable! Its table index is currently in A. push ix ; --> lvl 1 push hl ; --> lvl 2 push af ; --> lvl 3. save for later ; Let's start by evaluating that expression inc hl \ inc hl call parseExpr ; --> number in IX jr nz, .exprErr pop af ; <-- lvl 3 add a, a ; * 2 because each element is a word ld hl, VAR_TBL call addHL ; HL placed, write number push de ; --> lvl 3 push ix \ pop de ld (hl), e inc hl ld (hl), d pop de ; <-- lvl 3 xor a ; ensure Z .end: pop hl ; <-- lvl 2 pop ix ; <-- lvl 1 ret .exprErr: pop af ; <-- lvl 3 jr .end ; Check if value at (HL) is a variable. If yes, returns its associated value. ; Otherwise, jump to parseLiteral. parseLiteralOrVar: inc hl ld a, (hl) dec hl or a ; if more than one in length, it can't be a variable jp nz, parseLiteral ld a, (hl) call varChk jp nz, parseLiteral ; It's a variable, resolve! add a, a ; * 2 because each element is a word push hl ; --> lvl 1 ld hl, VAR_TBL call addHL push de ; --> lvl 2 ld e, (hl) inc hl ld d, (hl) push de \ pop ix pop de ; <-- lvl 2 pop hl ; <-- lvl 1 cp a ; ensure Z ret