; ed - line editor ; ; A text editor modeled after UNIX's ed, but simpler. The goal is to stay tight ; on resources and to avoid having to implement screen management code (that is, ; develop the machinery to have ncurses-like apps in Collapse OS). ; ; ed has a mechanism to avoid having to move a lot of memory around at each ; edit. Each line is an element in an doubly-linked list and each element point ; to an offset in the "scratchpad". The scratchpad starts with the file ; contents and every time we change or add a line, that line goes to the end of ; the scratch pad and linked lists are reorganized whenever lines are changed. ; Contents itself is always appended to the scratchpad. ; ; That's on a resourceful UNIX system. ; ; That doubly linked list on the z80 would use 7 bytes per line (prev, next, ; offset, len), which is a bit much. Moreover, there's that whole "scratchpad ; being loaded in memory" thing that's a bit iffy. We sacrifice speed for ; memory usage. ; ; So here's what we do. First, we have two scratchpads. The first one is the ; file being read itself. The second one is memory, for modifications we ; make to the file. When reading the file, we note the offset at which it ends. ; All offsets under this limit refer to the first scratchpad. Other offsets ; refer to the second. ; ; Then, our line list is just an array of 16-bit offsets. This means that we ; don't have an easy access to line length and we have to move a lot of memory ; around whenever we add or delete lines. Hopefully, "LDIR" will be our friend ; here... ; ; *** Usage *** ; ; ed takes no argument. It reads from the currently selected blkdev and writes ; to it. It repeatedly presents a prompt, waits for a command, execute the ; command. 'q' to quit. ; ; Enter a number to print this line's number. For ed, we break with Collapse ; OS's tradition of using hex representation. It would be needlessly confusing ; when combined with commands (p, c, d, a, i). All numbers in ed are ; represented in decimals. ; ; Like in ed, line indexing is one-based. This is only in the interface, ; however. In the code, line indexes are zero-based. ; ; *** Requirements *** ; BLOCKDEV_SIZE ; addHL ; blkGetC ; blkSeek ; blkTell ; cpHLDE ; intoHL ; printstr ; printcrlf ; stdioGetLine ; stdioPutC ; stdioReadC ; unsetZ ; ; *** Variables *** ; .equ ED_CURLINE ED_RAMSTART .equ ED_RAMEND ED_CURLINE+2 edMain: ; diverge from UNIX: start at first line ld hl, 0 ld (ED_CURLINE), hl ; Fill line buffer .fillLoop: call blkTell ; --> HL call blkGetC jr nz, .mainLoop call bufAddLine call ioGetLine jr .fillLoop .mainLoop: ld a, ':' call stdioPutC .inner: call stdioReadC jr nz, .inner ; not done? loop ; We're done. Process line. call printcrlf call stdioGetLine call cmdParse jr nz, .error ld a, (CMD_TYPE) cp 'q' jr z, .doQuit cp 'd' jr z, .doDel jr .doPrint .doQuit: xor a ret .doDel: call edReadAddrs jr nz, .error ; bufDelLines expects an exclusive upper bound, which is why we inc DE. inc de call bufDelLines jr .mainLoop .doPrint: call edReadAddrs jr nz, .error .doPrintLoop: push hl call bufGetLine jr nz, .error call printstr call printcrlf pop hl call cpHLDE jr z, .doPrintEnd inc hl jr .doPrintLoop .doPrintEnd: ld (ED_CURLINE), hl jr .mainLoop .error: ld a, '?' call stdioPutC call printcrlf jr .mainLoop ; Transform an address "cmd" in IX into an absolute address in HL. edResolveAddr: ld a, (ix) cp RELATIVE jr z, .relative ; absolute ld l, (ix+1) ld h, (ix+2) ret .relative: ld hl, (ED_CURLINE) push de ld e, (ix+1) ld d, (ix+2) add hl, de pop de ret ; Read absolute addr1 in HL and addr2 in DE. Also, check bounds and set Z if ; both addresses are within bounds, unset if not. edReadAddrs: ld ix, CMD_ADDR2 call edResolveAddr ex de, hl ld hl, (BUF_LINECNT) ex de, hl ; HL: addr2 DE: cnt call cpHLDE jp nc, unsetZ ; HL (addr2) >= DE (cnt). no good ex de, hl ; DE: addr2 ld ix, CMD_ADDR1 call edResolveAddr ex de, hl ; HL: addr2, DE: addr1 call cpHLDE jp c, unsetZ ; HL (addr2) < DE (addr1). no good ex de, hl ; HL: addr1, DE: addr2 cp a ; ensure Z ret