#!/usr/bin/env bash # no "set -e" because we test errors ZASM=../../zasm.sh chkerr() { echo "Check that '$1' results in error $2" ${ZASM} <<< $1 > /dev/null local res=$? if [[ $res == $2 ]]; then echo "Good!" else echo "$res != $2" exit 1 fi } chkoom() { echo "Trying OOM error..." local s="" # 300 x 27-29 bytes > 8192 bytes. Large enough to smash the pool. for i in {1..300}; do s+=".equ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz$i 42" s+=$'\n' done ${ZASM} <<< "$s" > /dev/null local res=$? if [[ $res == 23 ]]; then echo "Good!" else echo "$res != 23" exit 1 fi } chkerr "foo" 17 chkerr "ld a, foo" 18 chkerr "ld a, hl" 18 chkerr ".db foo" 18 chkerr ".dw foo" 18 chkerr ".equ foo bar" 18 chkerr ".org foo" 18 chkerr ".fill foo" 18 chkerr "ld a," 19 chkerr "ld a, 'A" 19 chkerr ".db 0x42," 19 chkerr ".dw 0x4242," 19 chkerr ".equ" 19 chkerr ".equ foo" 19 chkerr ".org" 19 chkerr ".fill" 19 chkerr ".inc" 19 chkerr ".inc foo" 19 chkerr "ld a, 0x100" 20 chkerr ".db 0x100" 20 chkerr $'nop \ nop \ nop\n.fill 2-$' 20 chkerr ".inc \"doesnotexist\"" 21 chkerr "foo:\\foo:" 22 chkoom