jp test .inc "core.asm" testNum: .db 1 test: ld hl, 0xffff ld sp, hl ; *** Just little z80 flags memo. and a ; clear carry ld hl, 100 ld de, 101 sbc hl, de jp nc, fail ; carry is set call nexttest and a ; clear carry ld hl, 101 ld de, 100 sbc hl, de jp c, fail ; carry is reset call nexttest ld a, 1 dec a jp m, fail ; positive dec a jp p, fail ; negative call nexttest ; *** cpHLDE *** ld hl, 0x42 ld de, 0x42 call cpHLDE jp nz, fail jp c, fail call nexttest ld de, 0x4242 call cpHLDE jp z, fail jp nc, fail call nexttest ld hl, 0x4243 call cpHLDE jp z, fail jp c, fail call nexttest ; success xor a halt nexttest: ld a, (testNum) inc a ld (testNum), a ret fail: ld a, (testNum) halt