; Glue code for the emulated environment .equ RAMSTART 0x4000 .equ USER_CODE 0x4800 .equ STDIO_PORT 0x00 .equ STDIN_SEEK 0x01 .equ FS_DATA_PORT 0x02 .equ FS_SEEK_PORT 0x03 .equ STDERR_PORT 0x04 jp init ; 3 bytes ; *** JUMP TABLE *** jp strncmp jp addDE jp upcase jp unsetZ jp intoDE jp intoHL jp writeHLinDE jp findchar jp parseHex jp parseHexPair jp blkSel jp blkSet jp fsFindFN jp fsOpen jp fsGetB jp parseArgs jp _blkGetB jp _blkPutB jp _blkSeek jp _blkTell jp printstr .inc "core.asm" .inc "err.h" .inc "ascii.h" .inc "parse.asm" .equ BLOCKDEV_RAMSTART RAMSTART .equ BLOCKDEV_COUNT 3 .inc "blockdev.asm" ; List of devices .dw emulGetB, unsetZ .dw unsetZ, emulPutB .dw fsdevGetB, fsdevPutB .equ STDIO_RAMSTART BLOCKDEV_RAMEND .equ STDIO_GETC noop .equ STDIO_PUTC stderrPutC .inc "stdio.asm" .equ FS_RAMSTART STDIO_RAMEND .equ FS_HANDLE_COUNT 0 .inc "fs.asm" init: di ld hl, 0xffff ld sp, hl ld a, 2 ; select fsdev ld de, BLOCKDEV_SEL call blkSel call fsOn ld hl, .zasmArgs call USER_CODE ; signal the emulator we're done halt .zasmArgs: .db "0 1", 0 ; *** I/O *** emulGetB: ; the STDIN_SEEK port works by poking it twice. First poke is for high ; byte, second poke is for low one. ld a, h out (STDIN_SEEK), a ld a, l out (STDIN_SEEK), a in a, (STDIO_PORT) or a ; cp 0 jr z, .eof cp a ; ensure z ret .eof: jp unsetZ emulPutB: out (STDIO_PORT), a cp a ; ensure Z ret stderrPutC: out (STDERR_PORT), a cp a ; ensure Z ret fsdevGetB: ld a, e out (FS_SEEK_PORT), a ld a, h out (FS_SEEK_PORT), a ld a, l out (FS_SEEK_PORT), a in a, (FS_SEEK_PORT) or a ret nz in a, (FS_DATA_PORT) cp a ; ensure Z ret fsdevPutB: push af ld a, e out (FS_SEEK_PORT), a ld a, h out (FS_SEEK_PORT), a ld a, l out (FS_SEEK_PORT), a in a, (FS_SEEK_PORT) or a jr nz, .error pop af out (FS_DATA_PORT), a cp a ; ensure Z ret .error: pop af jp unsetZ ; returns