; 8K of onboard RAM .equ RAMSTART 0xc000 ; Memory register at the end of RAM. Must not overwrite .equ RAMEND 0xddd0 jp init ; *** JUMP TABLE *** jp strncmp jp addDE jp addHL jp upcase jp unsetZ jp intoDE jp intoHL jp writeHLinDE jp findchar jp parseHex jp parseHexPair jp blkSel jp blkSet jp fsFindFN jp fsOpen jp fsGetC jp fsPutC jp fsSetSize jp cpHLDE jp parseArgs jp printstr jp _blkGetC jp _blkPutC jp _blkSeek jp _blkTell jp printcrlf jp stdioPutC jp stdioReadLine .fill 0x66-$ retn #include "err.h" #include "core.asm" #include "parse.asm" #include "sms/kbd.asm" .equ KBD_RAMSTART RAMSTART .equ KBD_FETCHKC smskbdFetchKCB #include "kbd.asm" .equ VDP_RAMSTART KBD_RAMEND #include "sms/vdp.asm" .equ STDIO_RAMSTART VDP_RAMEND #include "stdio.asm" .equ MMAP_START 0xd800 #include "mmap.asm" .equ BLOCKDEV_RAMSTART STDIO_RAMEND .equ BLOCKDEV_COUNT 3 #include "blockdev.asm" ; List of devices .dw mmapGetC, mmapPutC .dw f0GetC, f0PutC .dw f1GetC, f1PutC #include "blockdev_cmds.asm" .equ FS_RAMSTART BLOCKDEV_RAMEND .equ FS_HANDLE_COUNT 2 #include "fs.asm" #include "fs_cmds.asm" .equ SHELL_RAMSTART FS_RAMEND .equ SHELL_EXTRA_CMD_COUNT 11 #include "shell.asm" .dw edCmd, zasmCmd, fnewCmd, fdelCmd, fopnCmd, flsCmd, fsOnCmd, blkBselCmd .dw blkSeekCmd, blkLoadCmd, blkSaveCmd init: di im 1 ld sp, RAMEND ; init a FS in mmap ld hl, MMAP_START ld a, 'C' ld (hl), a inc hl ld a, 'F' ld (hl), a inc hl ld a, 'S' ld (hl), a call fsInit xor a call blkSel call kbdInit call vdpInit ld hl, kbdGetC ld de, vdpPutC call stdioInit call shellInit jp shellLoop f0GetC: ld ix, FS_HANDLES jp fsGetC f0PutC: ld ix, FS_HANDLES jp fsPutC f1GetC: ld ix, FS_HANDLES+FS_HANDLE_SIZE jp fsGetC f1PutC: ld ix, FS_HANDLES+FS_HANDLE_SIZE jp fsPutC edCmd: .db "eded", 0b1001, 0, 0 push hl \ pop ix ld l, (ix) ld h, (ix+1) jp 0x1800 zasmCmd: .db "zasm", 0b1001, 0, 0 push hl \ pop ix ld l, (ix) ld h, (ix+1) jp 0x1c00 ; last time I checked, PC at this point was 0x175a. Let's give us a nice margin ; for the start of ed. .fill 0x1800-$ .bin "ed.bin" ; Last check: 0x1b4e .fill 0x1c00-$ .bin "zasm.bin" .fill 0x7ff0-$ .db "TMR SEGA", 0x00, 0x00, 0xfb, 0x68, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x4c