; zasm ; ; Reads input from specified blkdev ID, assemble the binary in two passes and ; spit the result in another specified blkdev ID. ; ; We don't buffer the whole source in memory, so we need our input blkdev to ; support Seek so we can read the file a second time. So, for input, we need ; GetC and Seek. ; ; For output, we only need PutC. Output doesn't start until the second pass. ; ; The goal of the second pass is to assign values to all symbols so that we ; can have forward references (instructions referencing a label that happens ; later). ; ; Labels and constants are both treated the same way, that is, they can be ; forward-referenced in instructions. ".equ" directives, however, are evaluated ; during the first pass so forward references are not allowed. ; ; *** Requirements *** ; blockdev ; strncmp ; addDE ; addHL ; upcase ; unsetZ ; intoDE ; intoHL ; findchar ; blkSel ; fsFindFN ; fsOpen ; fsGetC ; fsSeek ; fsTell ; RAMSTART (where we put our variables in RAM) ; FS_HANDLE_SIZE ; *** Variables *** ; A bool flag indicating that we're on first pass. When we are, we don't care ; about actual output, but only about the length of each upcode. This means ; that when we parse instructions and directive that error out because of a ; missing symbol, we don't error out and just write down a dummy value. .equ ZASM_FIRST_PASS RAMSTART ; The offset where we currently are with regards to outputting opcodes .equ ZASM_PC ZASM_FIRST_PASS+1 ; whether we're in "local pass", that is, in local label scanning mode. During ; this special pass, ZASM_FIRST_PASS will also be set so that the rest of the ; code behaves as is we were in the first pass. .equ ZASM_LOCAL_PASS ZASM_PC+2 ; What ZASM_PC was when we started our context .equ ZASM_CTX_PC ZASM_LOCAL_PASS+1 .equ ZASM_RAMEND ZASM_CTX_PC+2 ; *** Code *** jp zasmMain #include "util.asm" .equ IO_RAMSTART ZASM_RAMEND #include "io.asm" #include "tok.asm" #include "parse_z.asm" #include "expr.asm" #include "instr.asm" .equ DIREC_RAMSTART IO_RAMEND #include "directive.asm" .equ SYM_RAMSTART DIREC_RAMEND #include "symbol.asm" ; Read file through blockdev ID in H and outputs its upcodes through blockdev ; ID in L. zasmMain: ; Init I/O ld a, h ld de, IO_IN_GETC call blkSel ld a, l ld de, IO_OUT_GETC call blkSel ; Init modules xor a ld (ZASM_LOCAL_PASS), a call ioInit call symInit ; First pass ld a, 1 ld (ZASM_FIRST_PASS), a call zasmParseFile ret nz ; Second pass call ioRewind xor a ld (ZASM_FIRST_PASS), a call zasmParseFile ret ; Sets Z according to whether we're in first pass. zasmIsFirstPass: ld a, (ZASM_FIRST_PASS) cp 1 ret ; Sets Z according to whether we're in local pass. zasmIsLocalPass: ld a, (ZASM_LOCAL_PASS) cp 1 ret ; Increase (ZASM_PC) by A incOutputOffset: push de ld de, (ZASM_PC) call addDE ld (ZASM_PC), de pop de ret ; Repeatedly reads lines from IO, assemble them and spit the binary code in ; IO. Z is set on success, unset on error. DE contains the last line number to ; be read (first line is 1). zasmParseFile: ld de, 0 ld (ZASM_PC), de .loop: call parseLine ret nz ; error ld a, b ; TOK_* cp TOK_EOF jr z, .eof jr .loop .eof: call zasmIsLocalPass jr nz, .end ; EOF and not local pass ; we're in local pass and EOF. Unwind this call _endLocalPass jr .loop .end: cp a ; ensure Z ret ; Parse next token and accompanying args (when relevant) in I/O, write the ; resulting opcode(s) through ioPutC and increases (ZASM_PC) by the number of ; bytes written. BC is set to the result of the call to tokenize. ; Sets Z if parse was successful, unset if there was an error. EOF is not an ; error. parseLine: call tokenize ld a, b ; TOK_* cp TOK_INSTR jp z, _parseInstr cp TOK_DIRECTIVE jp z, _parseDirec cp TOK_LABEL jr z, _parseLabel cp TOK_EOF ret ; Z is correct. If EOF, Z is set and not an ; error, otherwise, it means bad token and ; errors out. _parseInstr: ld a, c ; I_* call parseInstruction or a ; is zero? jr z, .error ld b, a ; save output byte count call incOutputOffset call zasmIsFirstPass jr z, .success ; first pass, nothing to write ld hl, instrUpcode .loopInstr: ld a, (hl) call ioPutC inc hl djnz .loopInstr ; continue to success .success: xor a ; ensure Z ret .error: call unsetZ ret _parseDirec: ld a, c ; D_* call parseDirective or a ; cp 0 jr z, .success ; if zero, shortcut through ld b, a ; save output byte count call incOutputOffset call zasmIsFirstPass jr z, .success ; first pass, nothing to write ld hl, direcData .loopDirec: ld a, (hl) call ioPutC inc hl djnz .loopDirec ; continue to success .success: xor a ; ensure Z ret _parseLabel: ; The string in (scratchpad) is a label with its trailing ':' removed. ld hl, scratchpad call zasmIsLocalPass jr z, .processLocalPass ; Is this a local label? If yes, we don't process it in the context of ; parseLine, whether it's first or second pass. Local labels are only ; parsed during the Local Pass call symIsLabelLocal jr z, .success ; local? don't do anything. call zasmIsFirstPass jr z, .registerLabel ; When we encounter a label in the first ; pass, we register it in the symbol ; list ; At this point, we're in second pass, we've encountered a global label ; and we'll soon continue processing our file. However, before we do ; that, we should process our local labels. call _beginLocalPass jr .success .processLocalPass: call symIsLabelLocal jr z, .registerLabel ; local label? all good, register it ; normally ; not a local label? Then we need to end local pass call _endLocalPass jr .success .registerLabel: ld de, (ZASM_PC) call symRegister jr nz, .error ; continue to .success .success: xor a ; ensure Z ret .error: call unsetZ ret _beginLocalPass: ; remember were I/O was call ioSavePos ; Remember where PC was ld hl, (ZASM_PC) ld (ZASM_CTX_PC), hl ; Fake first pass ld a, 1 ld (ZASM_FIRST_PASS), a ; Set local pass ld (ZASM_LOCAL_PASS), a ; Empty local label registry xor a ld (SYM_LOC_NAMES), a call symSelectLocalRegistry ret _endLocalPass: call symSelectGlobalRegistry ; recall I/O pos call ioRecallPos ; recall PC ld hl, (ZASM_CTX_PC) ld (ZASM_PC), hl ; unfake first pass xor a ld (ZASM_FIRST_PASS), a ; Unset local pass ld (ZASM_LOCAL_PASS), a cp a ; ensure Z ret