.equ RAMSTART 0x4000 ; declare DIREC_LASTVAL manually so that we don't have to include directive.asm .equ DIREC_LASTVAL RAMSTART jp test .inc "core.asm" .inc "str.asm" .inc "parse.asm" .inc "lib/util.asm" .inc "zasm/util.asm" .inc "lib/parse.asm" .inc "zasm/parse.asm" ; mocks. aren't used in tests zasmGetPC: zasmIsFirstPass: symSelect: symFindVal: jp fail testNum: .db 1 s99: .db "99", 0 s0x99: .db "0x99", 0 s0x100: .db "0x100", 0 s0b0101: .db "0b0101", 0 s0b01010101: .db "0b01010101", 0 sFoo: .db "Foo", 0 test: ld hl, 0xffff ld sp, hl call testLiteral call testDecimal ; success xor a halt testLiteral: ld hl, s99 call parseLiteral jp nz, fail push ix \ pop hl ld a, h or a jp nz, fail ld a, l cp 99 jp nz, fail call nexttest ld hl, s0x100 call parseLiteral jp nz, fail push ix \ pop hl ld a, h cp 1 jp nz, fail ld a, l or a jp nz, fail call nexttest ld hl, sFoo call parseLiteral jp z, fail call nexttest ld hl, s0b0101 call parseLiteral jp nz, fail push ix \ pop hl ld a, h or a jp nz, fail ld a, l cp 0b0101 jp nz, fail call nexttest ld hl, s0b01010101 call parseLiteral jp nz, fail push ix \ pop hl ld a, h or a jp nz, fail ld a, l cp 0b01010101 jp nz, fail call nexttest .equ FOO 0x42 .equ BAR @+1 ld a, BAR cp 0x43 jp nz, fail call nexttest ret testDecimal: ; test valid cases. We loop through tblDecimalValid for our cases ld b, 5 ld hl, .valid .loop1: push hl ; --> lvl 1 ; put expected number in DE ld e, (hl) inc hl ld d, (hl) inc hl call parseDecimal jp nz, fail push ix \ pop hl ld a, h cp d jp nz, fail ld a, l cp e jp nz, fail pop hl ; <-- lvl 1 ld de, 8 ; row size add hl, de djnz .loop1 call nexttest ; test invalid cases. We loop through tblDecimalInvalid for our cases ld b, 4 ld hl, .invalid .loop2: call parseDecimal jp z, fail ld de, 7 ; row size add hl, de djnz .loop2 call nexttest ret ; 2b int, 6b str, null-padded .valid: .dw 99 .db "99", 0, 0, 0, 0 .dw 65535 .db "65535", 0 ; Space is also accepted as a number "ender" .dw 42 .db "42 x", 0, 0 ; Tab too .dw 42 .db "42", 0x09, 'x', 0, 0 ; A simple "0" works too! .dw 0 .db '0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ; 7b strings, null-padded .invalid: ; null string is invalid .db 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ; too big, 5 chars .db "65536", 0, 0 .db "99999", 0, 0 ; too big, 6 chars with rightmost chars being within bound .db "111111", 0 nexttest: ld a, (testNum) inc a ld (testNum), a ret fail: ld a, (testNum) halt