( Do dictionary cross compilation. Include this file right before your cross compilation, then set XCURRENT to CURRENT and XOFF to H@ - your target hook. Example: H@ ' _bend - XOFF ! This redefines defining words to achieve cross compilation. The goal is two-fold: 1. Add an offset to all word references in definitions. 2. Don't shadow important words we need right now. New defining words establish a new XCURRENT, a copy of CURRENT. From now on, CURRENT doesn't move. This means that "'" and friends will *not* find words you're about to define. Only (xfind) will. Words ":", "IMMEDIATE" and ":" are not automatically shadowed to allow the harmless inclusion of this unit. This shadowing has to take place in your xcomp configuration. See example in /emul/forth/xcomp.fs ) VARIABLE XCURRENT VARIABLE XOFF : (xentry) H@ ( h ) WORD ( h s ) SCPY ( h ) ( Adjust HERE -1 because SCPY copies the null ) H@ 1 - ( h h' ) DUP HERE ! ( h h' ) -^ ( sz ) ( write prev value ) H@ XCURRENT @ - , ( write size ) C, H@ XCURRENT ! ; ( Finds in *both* CURRENT and XCURRENT ) ( w -- a f xa xf ) : (xfind) DUP ( w w ) (find) ( w a f ) ROT ( a f w ) CURRENT @ ( a f w cur ) XCURRENT @ CURRENT ! SWAP ( a f cur w ) (find) ( a f cur xa xf ) ROT ( a f xa xf cur ) CURRENT ! ( a f xa xf ) ; : XCODE (xentry) 23 , ; : XIMM XCURRENT @ 1 - DUP C@ 128 OR SWAP C! ; : X: (xentry) ( 0e == compiledWord ) [ 0x0e LITN ] , BEGIN WORD (xfind) IF ( a f xa ) ( is word ) DUP IMMED? IF ( a f xa ) ( When encountering IMMEDIATE, we exec the *host* word. ) DROP ( a f ) NOT IF ABORT THEN ( a ) EXECUTE ELSE ( when compiling, we don't care about the host find. ) DUP 0x100 > IF XOFF @ - THEN , 2DROP THEN ELSE ( w f xa ) ( maybe number ) 2DROP ( w ) (parse*) @ EXECUTE LITN THEN AGAIN ;