( Receives keystrokes from PS/2 keyboard and send them to the '164. On the PS/2 side, it works the same way as the controller in the rc2014/ps2 recipe. However, in this case, what we have on the other side isn't a z80 bus, it's the one of the two controller ports of the SMS through a DB9 connector. The PS/2 related code is copied from rc2014/ps2 without much change. The only differences are that it pushes its data to a '164 instead of a '595 and that it synchronizes with the SMS with a SR latch, so we don't need PCINT. We can also afford to run at 1MHz instead of 8. *** Register Usage *** GPIOR0 flags: 0 - when set, indicates that the DATA pin was high when we received a bit through INT0. When we receive a bit, we set flag T to indicate it. R16: tmp stuff R17: recv buffer. Whenever we receive a bit, we push it in there. R18: recv step: - 0: idle - 1: receiving data - 2: awaiting parity bit - 3: awaiting stop bit R19: Register used for parity computations and tmp value in some other places R20: data being sent to the '164 Y: pointer to the memory location where the next scan code from ps/2 will be written. Z: pointer to the next scan code to push to the 595 ) 0x0060 CONSTANT SRAM_START 0x015f CONSTANT RAMEND 0x3d CONSTANT SPL 0x3e CONSTANT SPH 0x11 CONSTANT GPIOR0 0x35 CONSTANT MCUCR 0x33 CONSTANT TCCR0B 0x3b CONSTANT GIMSK 0x16 CONSTANT PINB 0x17 CONSTANT DDRB 0x18 CONSTANT PORTB 2 CONSTANT CLK 1 CONSTANT DATA 3 CONSTANT CP 0 CONSTANT LQ 4 CONSTANT LR 0x100-100 CONSTANT TIMER_INITVAL H@ ORG ! L1 FLBL, ( main ) L2 FLBL, ( hdlINT0 ) ( Read DATA and set GPIOR0/0 if high. Then, set flag T. no SREG fiddling because no SREG-modifying instruction ) RJMPOP L2 FLBL! ( hdlINT0 ) PINB DATA SBIC, GPIOR0 0 SBI, SET, RETI, RJMPOP L1 FLBL! ( main ) 16 RAMEND 0xff AND LDI, SPL 16 OUT, 16 RAMEND 8 RSHIFT LDI, SPH 16 OUT, ( init variables ) 18 CLR, GPIOR0 18 OUT, ( Setup int0 INT0, falling edge ) 16 0x02 ( ISC01 ) LDI, MCUCR 16 OUT, ( Enable INT0 ) 16 0x40 ( INT0 ) LDI, GIMSK 16 OUT, ( Setup buffer ) 29 ( YH ) CLR, 28 ( YL ) SRAM_START 0xff AND LDI, 31 ( ZH ) CLR, 30 ( ZL ) SRAM_START 0xff AND LDI, ( Setup timer. We use the timer to clear up "processbit" registers after 100us without a clock. This allows us to start the next frame in a fresh state. at 1MHZ, no prescaling is necessary. Each TCNT0 tick is already 1us long. ) 16 0x01 ( CS00 ) LDI, ( no prescaler ) TCCR0B 16 OUT, ( init DDRB ) DDRB CP SBI, PORTB LR CBI, DDRB LR SBI, SEI, L1 LBL! ( loop )