#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Generate almost all possible combination for instructions from instruction # tables # When zasm supported instructions change, use this script to update # allinstrs.asm import sys # Those lines below are improperly assembled by scas and are skipped by tests. BLACKLIST = { "AND (IX)", "AND (IY)", } argspecTbl = { 'A': "A", 'B': "B", 'C': "C", 'k': "(C)", 'D': "D", 'E': "E", 'H': "H", 'L': "L", 'I': "I", 'R': "R", 'h': "HL", 'l': "(HL)", 'd': "DE", 'e': "(DE)", 'b': "BC", 'c': "(BC)", 'a': "AF", 'f': "AF'", 'X': "IX", 'x': "(IX)", 'Y': "IY", 'y': "(IY)", 's': "SP", 'p': "(SP)", 'Z': "Z", 'z': "NZ", '=': "NC", '+': "P", '-': "M", '1': "PO", '2': "PE", } argGrpTbl = { chr(0x01): "bdha", chr(0x02): "ZzC=", chr(0x03): "bdhs", chr(0x04): "bdXs", chr(0x05): "bdYs", chr(0x0a): "ZzC=+-12", chr(0x0b): "BCDEHLA", } # whenever we encounter the "(HL)" version of these instructions, spit IX/IY # too. instrsWithIXY = { 'ADD', 'AND', 'BIT', 'CP', 'DEC', 'INC', 'OR', 'RES', 'RL', 'RR', 'SET', 'SRL'} def cleanupLine(line): line = line.strip() idx = line.rfind(';') if idx >= 0: line = line[:idx] return line def getDbLines(fp, tblname): lookingFor = f"{tblname}:" line = fp.readline() while line: line = cleanupLine(line) if line == lookingFor: break line = fp.readline() else: raise Exception(f"{tblname} not found") result = [] line = fp.readline() while line: line = cleanupLine(line) if line: if not line.startswith('.db'): break result.append([s.strip() for s in line[4:].split(',')]) line = fp.readline() return result def genargs(argspec): if not argspec: return '' if not isinstance(argspec, str): argspec = chr(argspec) if argspec in 'nmNM': bits = 16 if argspec in 'NM' else 8 nbs = [str(1 << i) for i in range(bits)] if argspec in 'mM': nbs = [f"({n})" for n in nbs] return nbs if argspec in 'xy': # IX/IY displacement is special base = argspecTbl[argspec] result = [base] argspec = argspec.upper() for n in [1, 10, 100, 127]: result.append(f"(I{argspec}+{n})") result.append(f"(I{argspec}-{n})") return result if argspec in argspecTbl: return [argspecTbl[argspec]] if argspec == chr(0xc): # special BIT "b" group return ['0', '3', '7'] grp = argGrpTbl[argspec] return [argspecTbl[a] for a in grp] # process a 'n' arg into an 'e' one def eargs(args): newargs = ['$+'+s for s in args[:-1]] return newargs + ['$-'+s for s in args[:-1]] def p(line): if line not in BLACKLIST: print(line) def main(): asmfile = sys.argv[1] with open(asmfile, 'rt') as fp: instrTbl = getDbLines(fp, 'instrTBl') for row in instrTbl: n = row[0][2:] # remove I_ # we need to adjust for zero-char name filling a1 = eval(row[1]) a2 = eval(row[2]) args1 = genargs(a1) # special case handling if n in instrsWithIXY and a1 == 'l': args1 += genargs('x') args1 += genargs('y') if n == 'JP' and isinstance(a1, str) and a1 in 'xy': # we don't test the displacements for IX/IY because there can't be # any. args1 = args1[:1] if n in {'JR', 'DJNZ'} and a1 == 'n': args1 = eargs(args1) if n == 'IM': args1 = [0, 1, 2] if args1: for arg1 in args1: args2 = genargs(a2) if n in instrsWithIXY and a2 == 'l': args2 += genargs('x') args2 += genargs('y') if args2: if n in {'JR', 'DJNZ'} and a2 == 'n': args2 = eargs(args2) for arg2 in args2: p(f"{n} {arg1}, {arg2}") else: p(f"{n} {arg1}") else: p(n) pass if __name__ == '__main__': main()