: H@ HERE @ ; : IMMEDIATE CURRENT @ 1- DUP C@ 128 OR SWAP C! ; : [ INTERPRET 1 FLAGS ! ; IMMEDIATE : ] R> DROP ; : LITS 34 , SCPY ; : LIT< WORD LITS ; IMMEDIATE : LITA 36 , , ; : ' WORD (find) (?br) [ 4 , ] EXIT LIT< (wnf) (find) DROP EXECUTE ; : ['] ' LITA ; IMMEDIATE : COMPILE ' LITA ['] , , ; IMMEDIATE : [COMPILE] ' , ; IMMEDIATE : BEGIN H@ ; IMMEDIATE : AGAIN COMPILE (br) H@ - , ; IMMEDIATE : UNTIL COMPILE (?br) H@ - , ; IMMEDIATE : ( BEGIN LIT< ) WORD S= UNTIL ; IMMEDIATE ( Hello, hello, krkrkrkr... do you hear me? Ah, voice at last! Some lines above need comments BTW: Forth lines limited to 64 cols because of default input buffer size in Collapse OS "_": words starting with "_" are meant to be "private", that is, only used by their immediate surrondings. LITS: 34 == litWord LITA: 36 == addrWord COMPILE: Tough one. Get addr of caller word (example above (br)) and then call LITA on it. ) : +! SWAP OVER @ + SWAP ! ; : -^ SWAP - ; : ALLOT HERE +! ; : IF ( -- a | a: br cell addr ) COMPILE (?br) H@ ( push a ) 2 ALLOT ( br cell allot ) ; IMMEDIATE : THEN ( a -- | a: br cell addr ) DUP H@ -^ SWAP ( a-H a ) ! ; IMMEDIATE : ELSE ( a1 -- a2 | a1: IF cell a2: ELSE cell ) COMPILE (br) 2 ALLOT DUP H@ -^ SWAP ( a-H a ) ! H@ 2- ( push a. -2 for allot offset ) ; IMMEDIATE : CREATE (entry) ( empty header with name ) 11 ( 11 == cellWord ) C, ( write it ) ; ( We run this when we're in an entry creation context. Many things we need to do. 1. Change the code link to doesWord 2. Leave 2 bytes for regular cell variable. 3. Write down RS' RTOS to entry. 4. exit parent definition ) : DOES> ( Overwrite cellWord in CURRENT ) ( 43 == doesWord ) 43 CURRENT @ C! ( When we have a DOES>, we forcefully place HERE to 4 bytes after CURRENT. This allows a DOES word to use "," and "C," without messing everything up. ) CURRENT @ 3 + HERE ! ( HERE points to where we should write R> ) R> , ( We're done. Because we've popped RS, we'll exit parent definition ) ; : VARIABLE CREATE 2 ALLOT ; : CONSTANT CREATE , DOES> @ ; : / /MOD SWAP DROP ; : MOD /MOD DROP ; ( In addition to pushing H@ this compiles 2 >R so that loop variables are sent to PS at runtime ) : DO COMPILE SWAP COMPILE >R COMPILE >R H@ ; IMMEDIATE ( Increase loop counter and returns whether we should loop. ) : _ R> ( IP, keep for later ) R> 1+ ( ip i+1 ) DUP >R ( ip i ) I' = ( ip f ) SWAP >R ( f ) ; ( One could think that we should have a sub word to avoid all these COMPILE, but we can't because otherwise it messes with the RS ) : LOOP COMPILE _ COMPILE (?br) H@ - , COMPILE R> COMPILE DROP COMPILE R> COMPILE DROP ; IMMEDIATE ( a1 a2 u -- ) : MOVE ( u ) 0 DO SWAP DUP I + C@ ( a2 a1 x ) ROT SWAP OVER I + ( a1 a2 x a2 ) C! ( a1 a2 ) LOOP 2DROP ; : DELW 1- 0 SWAP C! ; : PREV 3 - DUP @ ( a o ) - ( a-o ) ; : WHLEN 1- C@ ( name len field ) 127 AND ( 0x7f. remove IMMEDIATE flag ) 3 + ( fixed header len ) ; : FORGET ' DUP ( w w ) ( HERE must be at the end of prev's word, that is, at the beginning of w. ) DUP WHLEN - HERE ! ( w ) PREV CURRENT ! ; : EMPTY LIT< _sys (find) NOT IF ABORT THEN DUP HERE ! CURRENT ! ; ( Drop RSP until I-2 == INTERPRET. ) : EXIT! ['] INTERPRET ( I ) BEGIN ( I ) DUP ( I I ) R> DROP I 2- @ ( I I a ) = UNTIL ;