( I/O blocks ) : BLKMEM+ 0x57 RAM+ @ + ; ( n -- Fetches block n and write it to BLK( ) : BLK@* 0 BLKMEM+ ; ( n -- Write back BLK( to storage at block n ) : BLK!* 2 BLKMEM+ ; ( Current blk pointer in ( ) : BLK> 4 BLKMEM+ ; : BLK( 6 BLKMEM+ ; : BLK$ H@ 0x57 RAM+ ! ( 1024 for the block, 6 for variables ) 1030 ALLOT ( LOAD detects end of block with ASCII EOT. This is why we write it there. EOT == 0x04 ) 4 C, -1 BLK> ! ; : BLK@ DUP BLK> @ = IF DROP EXIT THEN DUP BLK> ! BLK@* @ EXECUTE ; : .2 DUP 10 < IF SPC THEN . ; : LIST BLK@ 16 0 DO I 1+ .2 SPC 64 I * BLK( + (print) CRLF LOOP ; : _ (boot<) DUP 4 = IF DROP ( We're finished interpreting ) EXIT! THEN ; : LOAD ( save BLK>, CINPTR and boot< ptr to RSP ) BLK> @ >R 0x0c RAM+ @ >R 0x2e RAM+ @ >R BLK@ ( Point to beginning of BLK ) BLK( 0x2e RAM+ ! ( 0c == CINPTR ) ['] _ 0x0c RAM+ ! INTERPRET R> 0x2e RAM+ ! ( Before we restore CINPTR, are we restoring it to "_"? if yes, it means we're in a nested LOAD which means we should also load back the saved BLK>. Otherwise, we can ignore the BLK> from RSP. ) I 0x0c RAM+ @ = IF ( nested load ) R> DROP ( CINPTR ) R> BLK@ ELSE ( not nested ) R> 0x0c RAM+ ! R> DROP ( BLK> ) THEN ;