( Core words in z80. This requires a full Forth interpreter to run, but is also necessary for core.fs. This means that it needs to be compiled from a prior bootstrapped binary. This stage is tricky due to the fact that references in Forth are all absolute, except for prev word refs. This means that there are severe limitations to the kind of code you can put here. You shouldn't define any word with reference to other words. This means no regular definition. You can, however, execute any word from our high level Forth, as long as it doesn't spit word references. ROUTINE stuff is fine. It's not supposed to change. These restrictions are temporary, I'll figure something out so that we can end up fully bootstrap Forth from within itself. ) ( a b c -- b c a ) CODE ROT HL POPqq, ( C ) DE POPqq, ( B ) BC POPqq, ( A ) chkPS, DE PUSHqq, ( B ) HL PUSHqq, ( C ) BC PUSHqq, ( A ) ;CODE ( a b -- a b a b ) CODE 2DUP HL POPqq, ( B ) DE POPqq, ( A ) chkPS, DE PUSHqq, ( A ) HL PUSHqq, ( B ) DE PUSHqq, ( A ) HL PUSHqq, ( B ) ;CODE ( a b c d -- a b c d a b ) CODE 2OVER HL POPqq, ( D ) DE POPqq, ( C ) BC POPqq, ( B ) IY POPqq, ( A ) chkPS, IY PUSHqq, ( A ) BC PUSHqq, ( B ) DE PUSHqq, ( C ) HL PUSHqq, ( D ) IY PUSHqq, ( A ) BC PUSHqq, ( B ) ;CODE ( a b c d -- c d a b ) CODE 2SWAP HL POPqq, ( D ) DE POPqq, ( C ) BC POPqq, ( B ) IY POPqq, ( A ) chkPS, DE PUSHqq, ( C ) HL PUSHqq, ( D ) IY PUSHqq, ( A ) BC PUSHqq, ( B ) ;CODE CODE AND HL POPqq, DE POPqq, chkPS, A E LDrr, L ANDr, L A LDrr, A D LDrr, H ANDr, H A LDrr, HL PUSHqq, ;CODE CODE OR HL POPqq, DE POPqq, chkPS, A E LDrr, L ORr, L A LDrr, A D LDrr, H ORr, H A LDrr, HL PUSHqq, ;CODE CODE XOR HL POPqq, DE POPqq, chkPS, A E LDrr, L XORr, L A LDrr, A D LDrr, H XORr, H A LDrr, HL PUSHqq, ;CODE ( Borrowed from http://wikiti.brandonw.net/ ) ( Divides AC by DE and places the quotient in AC and the remainder in HL ) CODE /MOD DE POPqq, BC POPqq, chkPS, A B LDrr, B 16 LDrn, HL 0 LDddnn, ( loop ) SCF, C RLr, RLA, HL ADCHLss, DE SBCHLss, 4 JRNCe, ( skip ) DE ADDHLss, C DECr, ( skip ) 0 12 - DJNZe, ( loop ) B A LDrr, HL PUSHqq, BC PUSHqq, ;CODE CODE C! HL POPqq, DE POPqq, chkPS, E LD(HL)r, ;CODE CODE C@ HL POPqq, chkPS, L LDr(HL), H 0 LDrn, HL PUSHqq, ;CODE CODE PC! BC POPqq, HL POPqq, chkPS, L OUT(C)r, ;CODE CODE PC@ BC POPqq, chkPS, H 0 LDrn, L INr(C), HL PUSHqq, ;CODE