; lcd ; ; Implement PutC on TI-84+ (for now)'s LCD screen. ; ; The screen is 96x64 pixels. The 64 rows are addressed directly with CMD_ROW ; but columns are addressed in chunks of 6 or 8 bits (there are two modes). ; ; In 6-bit mode, there are 16 visible columns. In 8-bit mode, there are 12. ; ; Note that "X-increment" and "Y-increment" work in the opposite way than what ; most people expect. Y moves left and right, X moves up and down. ; ; *** Z-Offset *** ; ; This LCD has a "Z-Offset" parameter, allowing to offset rows on the ; screen however we wish. This is handy because it allows us to scroll more ; efficiently. Instead of having to copy the LCD ram around at each linefeed ; (or instead of having to maintain an in-memory buffer), we can use this ; feature. ; ; The Z-Offet goes upwards, with wrapping. For example, if we have an 8 pixels ; high line at row 0 and if our offset is 8, that line will go up 8 pixels, ; wrapping itself to the bottom of the screen. ; ; The principle is this: The active line is always the bottom one. Therefore, ; when active row is 0, Z is FNT_HEIGHT+1, when row is 1, Z is (FNT_HEIGHT+1)*2, ; When row is 8, Z is 0. ; ; *** 6/8 bit columns and smaller fonts *** ; ; If your glyphs, including padding, are 6 or 8 pixels wide, you're in luck ; because pushing them to the LCD can be done in a very efficient manner. ; Unfortunately, this makes the LCD unsuitable for a Collapse OS shell: 6 ; pixels per glyph gives us only 16 characters per line, which is hardly ; usable. ; ; This is why we have this buffering system. How it works is that we're always ; in 8-bit mode and we hold the whole area (8 pixels wide by FNT_HEIGHT high) ; in memory. When we want to put a glyph to screen, we first read the contents ; of that area, then add our new glyph, offsetted and masked, to that buffer, ; then push the buffer back to the LCD. If the glyph is split, move to the next ; area and finish the job. ; ; That being said, it's important to define clearly what CURX and CURY variable ; mean. Those variable keep track of the current position *in pixels*, in both ; axes. ; ; *** Requirements *** ; fnt/mgm ; ; *** Constants *** .equ LCD_PORT_CMD 0x10 .equ LCD_PORT_DATA 0x11 .equ LCD_CMD_6BIT 0x00 .equ LCD_CMD_8BIT 0x01 .equ LCD_CMD_DISABLE 0x02 .equ LCD_CMD_ENABLE 0x03 .equ LCD_CMD_XDEC 0x04 .equ LCD_CMD_XINC 0x05 .equ LCD_CMD_YDEC 0x06 .equ LCD_CMD_YINC 0x07 .equ LCD_CMD_COL 0x20 .equ LCD_CMD_ZOFFSET 0x40 .equ LCD_CMD_ROW 0x80 .equ LCD_CMD_CONTRAST 0xc0 ; *** Variables *** ; Current Y position on the LCD, that is, where re're going to spit our next ; glyph. .equ LCD_CURY LCD_RAMSTART ; Current X position .equ LCD_CURX @+1 ; two pixel buffers that are 8 pixels wide (1b) by FNT_HEIGHT pixels high. ; This is where we compose our resulting pixels blocks when spitting a glyph. .equ LCD_BUF @+1 .equ LCD_RAMEND @+FNT_HEIGHT*2 ; *** Code *** lcdInit: ; Initialize variables xor a ld (LCD_CURY), a ld (LCD_CURX), a ; Clear screen call lcdClrScr ; We begin with a Z offset of FNT_HEIGHT+1 ld a, LCD_CMD_ZOFFSET+FNT_HEIGHT+1 call lcdCmd ; Enable the LCD ld a, LCD_CMD_ENABLE call lcdCmd ; Hack to get LCD to work. According to WikiTI, we're not sure why TIOS ; sends these, but it sends it, and it is required to make the LCD ; work. So... ld a, 0x17 call lcdCmd ld a, 0x0b call lcdCmd ; Set some usable contrast ld a, LCD_CMD_CONTRAST+0x34 call lcdCmd ; Enable 8-bit mode. ld a, LCD_CMD_8BIT call lcdCmd ret ; Wait until the lcd is ready to receive a command lcdWait: push af .loop: in a, (LCD_PORT_CMD) ; When 7th bit is cleared, we can send a new command rla jr c, .loop pop af ret ; Send cmd A to LCD lcdCmd: out (LCD_PORT_CMD), a jr lcdWait ; Send data A to LCD lcdDataSet: out (LCD_PORT_DATA), a jr lcdWait ; Get data from LCD into A lcdDataGet: in a, (LCD_PORT_DATA) jr lcdWait ; Turn LCD off lcdOff: push af ld a, LCD_CMD_DISABLE call lcdCmd out (LCD_PORT_CMD), a pop af ret ; Set LCD's current column to A lcdSetCol: push af ; The col index specified in A is compounded with LCD_CMD_COL add a, LCD_CMD_COL call lcdCmd pop af ret ; Set LCD's current row to A lcdSetRow: push af ; The col index specified in A is compounded with LCD_CMD_COL add a, LCD_CMD_ROW call lcdCmd pop af ret ; Send the glyph that HL points to to the LCD, at its current position. ; After having called this, the LCD's position will have advanced by one ; position lcdSendGlyph: push af push bc push hl push ix ld a, (LCD_CURY) call lcdSetRow ld a, (LCD_CURX) srl a \ srl a \ srl a ; div by 8 call lcdSetCol ; First operation: read the LCD memory for the "left" side of the ; buffer. We assume the right side to always be empty, so we don't ; read it. After having read each line, compose it with glyph line at ; HL ; Before we start, what is our bit offset? ld a, (LCD_CURX) and 0b111 ; that's our offset, store it in C ld c, a ld a, LCD_CMD_XINC call lcdCmd ld ix, LCD_BUF ld b, FNT_HEIGHT ; A dummy read is needed after a movement. call lcdDataGet .loop1: ; let's go get that glyph data ld a, (hl) ld (ix), a call .shiftIX ; now let's go get existing pixel on LCD call lcdDataGet ; and now let's do some compositing! or (ix) ld (ix), a inc hl inc ix djnz .loop1 ; Buffer set! now let's send it. ld a, (LCD_CURY) call lcdSetRow ld hl, LCD_BUF ld b, FNT_HEIGHT .loop2: ld a, (hl) call lcdDataSet inc hl djnz .loop2 ; And finally, let's send the "right side" of the buffer ld a, (LCD_CURY) call lcdSetRow ld a, (LCD_CURX) srl a \ srl a \ srl a ; div by 8 inc a call lcdSetCol ld hl, LCD_BUF+FNT_HEIGHT ld b, FNT_HEIGHT .loop3: ld a, (hl) call lcdDataSet inc hl djnz .loop3 ; Increase column and wrap if necessary ld a, (LCD_CURX) add a, FNT_WIDTH+1 ld (LCD_CURX), a cp 96-FNT_WIDTH jr c, .skip ; A < 96-FNT_WIDTH call lcdLinefeed .skip: pop ix pop hl pop bc pop af ret ; Shift glyph in (IX) to the right C times, sending carry into (IX+FNT_HEIGHT) .shiftIX: dec c \ inc c ret z ; zero? nothing to do push bc ; --> lvl 1 xor a ld (ix+FNT_HEIGHT), a .shiftLoop: srl (ix) rr (ix+FNT_HEIGHT) dec c jr nz, .shiftLoop pop bc ; <-- lvl 1 ret ; Changes the current line and go back to leftmost column lcdLinefeed: push af ld a, (LCD_CURY) call .addFntH ld (LCD_CURY), a call lcdClrLn ; Now, lets set Z offset which is CURROW+FNT_HEIGHT+1 call .addFntH add a, LCD_CMD_ZOFFSET call lcdCmd xor a ld (LCD_CURX), a pop af ret .addFntH: add a, FNT_HEIGHT+1 cp 64 ret c ; A < 64? no wrap ; we have to wrap around xor a ret ; Clears B rows starting at row A ; B is not preserved by this routine lcdClrX: push af call lcdSetRow .outer: push bc ; --> lvl 1 ld b, 11 ld a, LCD_CMD_YINC call lcdCmd xor a call lcdSetCol .inner: call lcdDataSet djnz .inner ld a, LCD_CMD_XINC call lcdCmd xor a call lcdDataSet pop bc ; <-- lvl 1 djnz .outer pop af ret lcdClrLn: push bc ld b, FNT_HEIGHT+1 call lcdClrX pop bc ret lcdClrScr: push bc ld b, 64 call lcdClrX pop bc ret lcdPutC: cp ASCII_LF jp z, lcdLinefeed cp ASCII_BS jr z, .bs push hl call fntGet jr nz, .end call lcdSendGlyph .end: pop hl ret .bs: ld a, (LCD_CURX) or a ret z ; going back one line is too complicated. ; not implemented yet sub FNT_WIDTH+1 ld (LCD_CURX), a ret