: SDC_CSHIGH 6 ; : SDC_CSLOW 5 ; : SDC_SPI 4 ; : _sdcSR SDC_SPI PC! SDC_SPI PC@ ; : _sel 0 SDC_CSLOW PC! ; : _desel 0 SDC_CSHIGH PC! ; ( -- n ) : _idle 0xff _sdcSR ; ( -- n ) ( _sdcSR 0xff until the response is something else than 0xff for a maximum of 20 times. Returns 0xff if no response. ) : _wait 0 ( cnt ) BEGIN _idle DUP 0xff = IF DROP ELSE SWAP DROP EXIT THEN 1+ DUP 20 = UNTIL DROP 0xff ; ( -- ) ( The opposite of sdcWaitResp: we wait until response is 0xff. After a successful read or write operation, the card will be busy for a while. We need to give it time before interacting with it again. Technically, we could continue processing on our side while the card it busy, and maybe we will one day, but at the moment, I'm having random write errors if I don't do this right after a write, so I prefer to stay cautious for now. ) : _ready BEGIN _idle 0xff = UNTIL ; ( c n -- c ) ( Computes n into crc c with polynomial 0x09 Note that the result is "left aligned", that is, that 8th bit to the "right" is insignificant (will be stop bit). ) : _crc7 XOR ( c ) 8 0 DO 2 * ( <<1 ) DUP 255 > IF ( MSB was set, apply polynomial ) 0xff AND 0x12 XOR ( 0x09 << 1, we apply CRC on high bits ) THEN LOOP ; ( c n -- c ) ( Computes n into crc c with polynomial 0x1021 ) : _crc16 SWAP DUP 256 / ( n c c>>8 ) ROT XOR ( c x ) DUP 16 / XOR ( c x^x>>4 ) SWAP 256 * ( x c<<8 ) OVER 4096 * XOR ( x c^x<<12 ) OVER 32 * XOR ( x c^x<<5 ) XOR ( c ) ; ( send-and-crc7 ) ( n c -- c ) : _s+crc SWAP DUP _sdcSR DROP _crc7 ; ( cmd arg1 arg2 -- resp ) ( Sends a command to the SD card, along with arguments and specified CRC fields. (CRC is only needed in initial commands though). This does *not* handle CS. You have to select/deselect the card outside this routine. ) : _cmd _wait DROP ROT ( a1 a2 cmd ) 0 _s+crc ( a1 a2 crc ) ROT 256 /MOD ( a2 crc h l ) ROT ( a2 h l crc ) _s+crc ( a2 h crc ) _s+crc ( a2 crc ) SWAP 256 /MOD ( crc h l ) ROT ( h l crc ) _s+crc ( h crc ) _s+crc ( crc ) ( send CRC ) 0x01 OR ( ensure stop bit ) _sdcSR DROP ( And now we just have to wait for a valid response... ) _wait ; ( cmd arg1 arg2 -- r ) ( Send a command that expects a R1 response, handling CS. ) : SDCMDR1 _sel _cmd _desel ; ( cmd arg1 arg2 -- r arg1 arg2 ) ( Send a command that expects a R7 response, handling CS. A R7 is a R1 followed by 4 bytes. arg1 contains bytes 0:1, arg2 has 2:3 ) : SDCMDR7 _sel _cmd ( r ) _idle 256 * ( r h ) _idle + ( r arg1 ) _idle 256 * ( r arg1 h ) _idle + ( r arg1 arg2 ) _desel ; ( Initialize a SD card. This should be called at least 1ms after the powering up of the card. r is result. Zero means success, non-zero means error. ) : SDC$ ( Wake the SD card up. After power up, a SD card has to receive at least 74 dummy clocks with CS and DI high. We send 80. ) 10 0 DO 0xff SDC_SPI PC! LOOP ( call cmd0 and expect a 0x01 response (card idle) this should be called multiple times. we're actually expected to. let's call this for a maximum of 10 times. ) 0 ( dummy ) 10 0 DO ( r ) DROP 0b01000000 0 0 ( CMD0 ) SDCMDR1 DUP 0x01 = IF LEAVE THEN LOOP 0x01 = NOT IF 1 EXIT THEN ( Then comes the CMD8. We send it with a 0x01aa argument and expect a 0x01aa argument back, along with a 0x01 R1 response. ) 0b01001000 0 0x1aa ( CMD8 ) SDCMDR7 ( r arg1 arg2 ) 0x1aa = NOT IF 2 EXIT THEN ( arg2 check ) 0 = NOT IF 3 EXIT THEN ( arg1 check ) 0x01 = NOT IF 4 EXIT THEN ( r check ) ( Now we need to repeatedly run CMD55+CMD41 (0x40000000) until the card goes out of idle mode, that is, when it stops sending us 0x01 response and send us 0x00 instead. Any other response means that initialization failed. ) BEGIN 0b01110111 0 0 ( CMD55 ) SDCMDR1 0x01 = NOT IF 5 EXIT THEN 0b01101001 0x4000 0x0000 ( CMD41 ) SDCMDR1 DUP 0x01 > IF DROP 6 EXIT THEN NOT UNTIL ( Out of idle mode! Success! ) 0 ; : _err _desel ABORT" SDC error" ; ( dstaddr blkno -- ) : _sdc@ _sel 0x51 ( CMD17 ) 0 ROT ( a cmd 0 blkno ) _cmd IF _err THEN _wait 0xfe = NOT IF _err THEN 0 SWAP ( crc a ) 512 0 DO ( crc a ) DUP ( crc a a ) _idle ( crc a a n ) DUP ROT ( crc a n n a ) C! ( crc a n ) ROT SWAP ( a crc n ) _crc16 ( a crc ) SWAP 1+ ( crc a+1 ) LOOP DROP ( crc1 ) _idle 256 * _idle + ( crc2 ) _wait DROP _desel = NOT IF _err THEN ; : SDC@ 2 * DUP BLK( SWAP ( b a b ) _sdc@ 1+ BLK( 512 + SWAP _sdc@ ;