The following words allow you to assemble z80 binaries. Being Forth words, opcode assembly is a bit different than with a typical assembler. For example, what would traditionally be "ld a, b" would become "A B LDrr,". The "argtype" prefix after each mnemonic is needed because the assembler doesn't auto-detect the op's form based on arguments. It has to be explicitly specified. "r" is for 8-bit registers, "d" for 16-bit ones, "i" for immediate, "c" is for conditions. Be aware that "SP" and "AF" refer to the same value: some 16- bit ops can affect SP, others, AF. If you use the wrong argu- ment on the wrong op, you will affect the wrong register. Mnemonics having only a single form, such as PUSH and POP, don't have argtype prefixes. (cont.)