; sdct ; ; We want to test reading and writing random data in random sequences of ; sectors. Collapse OS doesn't have a random number generator, so we'll simply ; rely on initial SRAM value, which tend is random enough for our purpose. ; ; How it works is simple. From its designated RAMSTART, it calls PutB until it ; reaches the end of RAM (0xffff). Then, it starts over and this time it reads ; every byte and compares. ; ; If there's an error, prints out where. ; ; *** Requirements *** ; sdcPutB ; sdcGetB ; printstr ; stdioPutC ; ; *** Includes *** .inc "user.h" .equ SDCT_RAMSTART USER_RAMSTART jp sdctMain .inc "lib/ari.asm" .inc "lib/fmt.asm" .inc "sdct/main.asm" USER_RAMSTART: