; 8K of onboard RAM .equ RAMSTART 0xc000 ; Memory register at the end of RAM. Must not overwrite .equ RAMEND 0xfdd0 jp init .fill 0x66-$ retn .inc "err.h" .inc "ascii.h" .inc "core.asm" .inc "str.asm" .equ PAD_RAMSTART RAMSTART .inc "sms/pad.asm" .equ VDP_RAMSTART PAD_RAMEND .inc "sms/vdp.asm" .equ STDIO_RAMSTART VDP_RAMEND .equ STDIO_GETC padGetC .equ STDIO_PUTC vdpPutC .inc "stdio.asm" ; *** BASIC *** ; RAM space used in different routines for short term processing. .equ SCRATCHPAD_SIZE 0x20 .equ SCRATCHPAD STDIO_RAMEND .inc "lib/util.asm" .inc "lib/ari.asm" .inc "lib/parse.asm" .inc "lib/fmt.asm" .equ EXPR_PARSE parseLiteralOrVar .inc "lib/expr.asm" .inc "basic/util.asm" .inc "basic/parse.asm" .inc "basic/tok.asm" .equ VAR_RAMSTART SCRATCHPAD+SCRATCHPAD_SIZE .inc "basic/var.asm" .equ BUF_RAMSTART VAR_RAMEND .inc "basic/buf.asm" .equ BAS_RAMSTART BUF_RAMEND .inc "basic/main.asm" init: di im 1 ld sp, RAMEND call padInit call vdpInit call basInit jp basStart .fill 0x7ff0-$ .db "TMR SEGA", 0x00, 0x00, 0xfb, 0x68, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x4c