; *** REQUIREMENTS *** ; blockdev ; stdio blkBselCmd: .db "bsel", 0b001, 0, 0 ld a, (hl) ; argument supplied cp BLOCKDEV_COUNT jr nc, .error ; if selection >= device count, error push de ld de, BLOCKDEV_SEL call blkSel pop de xor a ret .error: ld a, BLOCKDEV_ERR_OUT_OF_BOUNDS ret blkSeekCmd: .db "seek", 0b001, 0b011, 0b001 ; First, the mode ld a, (hl) inc hl push af ; save mode for later ; HL points to two bytes that contain out address. Seek expects HL ; to directly contain that address. ld a, (hl) ex af, af' inc hl ld a, (hl) ld l, a ex af, af' ld h, a pop af ; bring mode back ld de, 0 ; DE is used for seek > 64K which we don't support call blkSeek call blkTell ld a, h call printHex ld a, l call printHex call printcrlf xor a ret ; Load the specified number of bytes (max 0x100, 0 means 0x100) from IO and ; write them in the current memory pointer (which doesn't change). If the ; blkdev hits end of stream before we reach our specified number of bytes, we ; stop loading. ; ; Returns a SHELL_ERR_IO_ERROR only if we couldn't read any byte (if the first ; call to GetC failed) ; ; Example: load 42 blkLoadCmd: .db "load", 0b001, 0, 0 blkLoad: push bc push hl ld a, (hl) ld b, a ld hl, (SHELL_MEM_PTR) call blkGetC jr nz, .ioError jr .intoLoop ; we'v already called blkGetC. don't call it ; again. .loop: call blkGetC .intoLoop: ld (hl), a inc hl jr nz, .loopend djnz .loop .loopend: ; success xor a jr .end .ioError: ld a, SHELL_ERR_IO_ERROR .end: pop hl pop bc ret ; Load the specified number of bytes (max 0x100, 0 means 0x100) from the current ; memory pointer and write them to I/O. Memory pointer doesn't move. This puts ; chars to blkPutC. Raises error if not all bytes could be written. ; ; Example: save 42 blkSaveCmd: .db "save", 0b001, 0, 0 blkSave: push bc push hl ld a, (hl) ld b, a ld hl, (SHELL_MEM_PTR) .loop: ld a, (hl) inc hl call blkPutC jr nz, .ioError djnz .loop .loopend: ; success xor a jr .end .ioError: ld a, SHELL_ERR_IO_ERROR .end: pop hl pop bc ret