#include "user.inc" ; *** Consts *** ; Number of rows in the "single" argspec string ARGSPEC_SINGLE_CNT .equ 7 ; Number of rows in the argspec table ARGSPEC_TBL_CNT .equ 12 ; Number of rows in the primary instructions table INSTR_TBLP_CNT .equ 30 ; size in bytes of each row in the primary instructions table INSTR_TBLP_ROWSIZE .equ 8 ; *** Code *** .org USER_CODE call parseLine ld b, 0 ld c, a ; written bytes ret unsetZ: push bc ld b, a inc b cp b pop bc ret ; run RLA the number of times specified in B rlaX: ; first, see if B == 0 to see if we need to bail out inc b dec b ret z ; Z flag means we had B = 0 .loop: rla djnz .loop ret ; Sets Z is A is ';', CR, LF, or null. isLineEnd: cp ';' ret z cp 0 ret z cp 0x0d ret z cp 0x0a ret ; Sets Z is A is ' ' or ',' isSep: cp ' ' ret z cp ',' ret ; Sets Z is A is ' ', ',', ';', CR, LF, or null. isSepOrLineEnd: call isSep ret z call isLineEnd ret ; read word in (HL) and put it in (DE), null terminated. A is the read ; length. HL is advanced to the next separator char. readWord: push bc ld b, 4 .loop: ld a, (hl) call isSepOrLineEnd jr z, .success call JUMP_UPCASE ld (de), a inc hl inc de djnz .loop .success: xor a ld (de), a ld a, 4 sub a, b jr .end .error: xor a ld (de), a .end: pop bc ret ; (HL) being a string, advance it to the next non-sep character. ; Set Z if we could do it before the line ended, reset Z if we couldn't. toWord: .loop: ld a, (hl) call isLineEnd jr z, .error call isSep jr nz, .success inc hl jr .loop .error: ; we need the Z flag to be unset and it is set now. Let's CP with ; something it can't be equal to, something not a line end. cp 'a' ; Z flag unset ret .success: ; We need the Z flag to be set and it is unset. Let's compare it with ; itself to return a set Z cp a ret ; Read arg from (HL) into argspec at (DE) ; HL is advanced to the next word. Z is set if there's a next word. readArg: push de ld de, tmpVal call readWord push hl ld hl, tmpVal call parseArg pop hl pop de ld (de), a call toWord ret ; Read line from (HL) into (curWord), (curArg1) and (curArg2) readLine: push de xor a ld (curWord), a ld (curArg1), a ld (curArg2), a ld de, curWord call readWord call toWord jr nz, .end ld de, curArg1 call readArg jr nz, .end ld de, curArg2 call readArg .end: pop de ret ; Returns length of string at (HL) in A. strlen: push bc push hl ld bc, 0 ld a, 0 ; look for null char .loop: cpi jp z, .found jr .loop .found: ; How many char do we have? the (NEG BC)-1, which started at 0 and ; decreased at each CPI call. In this routine, we stay in the 8-bit ; realm, so C only. ld a, c neg dec a pop hl pop bc ret ; find argspec for string at (HL). Returns matching argspec in A. ; Return value 0xff holds a special meaning: arg is not empty, but doesn't match ; any argspec (A == 0 means arg is empty). A return value of 0xff means an ; error. parseArg: call strlen cp 0 ret z ; empty string? A already has our result: 0 push bc push de push hl cp 1 jr z, .matchsingle ; Arg is one char? We have a "single" type. ; Not a "single" arg. Do the real thing then. ld de, argspecTbl ; DE now points the the "argspec char" part of the entry, but what ; we're comparing in the loop is the string next to it. Let's offset ; DE by one so that the loop goes through strings. inc de ld b, ARGSPEC_TBL_CNT .loop1: ld a, 4 call JUMP_STRNCMP jr z, .found ; got it! ld a, 5 call JUMP_ADDDE djnz .loop1 ; exhausted? we have a problem os specifying a wrong argspec. This is ; an internal consistency error. ld a, 0xff jr .end .found: ; found the matching argspec row. Our result is one byte left of DE. dec de ld a, (de) jr .end .matchsingle: ld a, (hl) ld hl, argspecsSingle ld bc, ARGSPEC_SINGLE_CNT .loop2: cpi jr z, .end ; found! our result is already in A. go straight ; to end. jp po, .loop2notfound jr .loop2 .loop2notfound: ; something's wrong. error ld a, 0xff jr .end .end: pop hl pop de pop bc ret ; Returns, with Z, whether A is a groupId isGroupId: cp 0xc ; max group id + 1 jr nc, .notgroup ; >= 0xc? not a group cp 0 jr z, .notgroup ; 0? not supposed to happen. something's wrong. ; A is a group. ensure Z is set cp a ret .notgroup: call unsetZ ret ; Find argspec A in group id H. ; Set Z according to whether we found the argspec ; If found, the value in A is the argspec value in the group (its index). findInGroup: push bc push hl cp 0 ; is our arg empty? If yes, we have nothing to do jr z, .notfound push af ld a, h cp 0xa jr z, .specialGroupCC cp 0xb jr z, .specialGroupABCDEHL pop af ; regular group push de ld de, argGrpTbl ; group ids start at 1. decrease it, then multiply by two to have a ; proper offset in argGrpTbl dec h push af ld a, h add a, a call JUMP_ADDDE ; At this point, DE points to our group pop af ex hl, de ; And now, HL points to the group pop de ld bc, 4 jr .find .specialGroupCC: ld hl, argGrpCC jr .specialGroupEnd .specialGroupABCDEHL: ld hl, argGrpABCDEHL .specialGroupEnd: pop af ; from the push af just before the special group check ld bc, 8 .find: ; This part is common to regular and special group. We expect HL to ; point to the group and BC to contain its length. push bc ; save the start value loop index so we can sub .loop: cpi jr z, .found jp po, .notfound jr .loop .found: ; we found our result! Now, what we want to put in A is the index of ; the found argspec. pop hl ; we pop from the "push bc" above. L is now 4 or 8 ld a, l sub c dec a ; cpi DECs BC even when there's a match, so C == the ; number of iterations we've made. But our index is ; zero-based (1 iteration == 0 index). cp a ; ensure Z is set jr .end .notfound: pop bc ; from the push bc in .find call unsetZ .end: pop hl pop bc ret ; Compare argspec from instruction table in A with argument in (HL). ; For constant args, it's easy: if A == (HL), it's a success. ; If A is a group ID, we do something else: we check that (HL) exists in the ; groupspec (argGrpTbl) matchArg: cp a, (hl) ret z ; A bit of a delicate situation here: we want A to go in H but also ; (HL) to go in A. If not careful, we overwrite each other. EXX is ; necessary to avoid invoving other registers. push hl exx ld h, a push hl exx ld a, (hl) pop hl call findInGroup pop hl ret ; Compare primary row at (DE) with string at curWord. Sets Z flag if there's a ; match, reset if not. matchPrimaryRow: push hl push ix ld hl, curWord ld a, 4 call JUMP_STRNCMP jr nz, .end ; name matches, let's see the rest ld ixh, d ld ixl, e ld hl, curArg1 ld a, (ix+4) call matchArg jr nz, .end ld hl, curArg2 ld a, (ix+5) call matchArg .end: pop ix pop hl ret ; Parse line at (HL) and write resulting opcode(s) in (DE). Returns the number ; of bytes written in A. parseLine: call readLine push de ld de, instrTBlPrimary ld b, INSTR_TBLP_CNT .loop: ld a, (de) call matchPrimaryRow jr z, .match ld a, INSTR_TBLP_ROWSIZE call JUMP_ADDDE djnz .loop ; no match xor a pop de ret .match: ; We have our matching instruction row. We're getting pretty near our ; goal here! ; First, let's go in IX mode. It's easier to deal with offsets here. push ix ld ixh, d ld ixl, e ; First, let's see if we're dealing with a group here ld a, (ix+4) ; first argspec call isGroupId jr z, .firstArgIsGroup ; First arg not a group. Maybe second is? ld a, (ix+5) ; 2nd argspec call isGroupId jr nz, .notgroup ; Second arg is group ld de, curArg2 jr .isGroup .firstArgIsGroup: ld de, curArg1 .isGroup: ; A is a group, good, now let's get its value. DE is pointing to ; the argument. push hl ld h, a ld a, (de) call findInGroup ; we don't check for match, it's supposed to ; always match. Something is very wrong if it ; doesn't ; Now, we have our arg "group value" in A. Were going to need to ; displace it left by the number of steps specified in the table. push bc push af ld a, (ix+6) ; displacement bit ld b, a pop af call rlaX pop bc ; At this point, we have a properly displaced value in A. We'll want ; to OR it with the opcode. or (ix+7) ; upcode pop hl ; Success! jr .end .notgroup: ; not a group? easy as pie: we return the opcode directly. ld a, (ix+7) ; upcode is on 8th byte .end: ; At the end, we have our final opcode in A! pop ix pop de ld (de), a ld a, 1 ret ; In instruction metadata below, argument types arge indicated with a single ; char mnemonic that is called "argspec". This is the table of correspondance. ; Single letters are represented by themselves, so we don't need as much ; metadata. ; Special meaning: ; 0 : no arg ; 1-10 : group id (see Groups section) ; 0xff: error argspecsSingle: .db "ABCDEHL" ; Format: 1 byte argspec + 4 chars string argspecTbl: .db 'h', "HL", 0, 0 .db 'l', "(HL)" .db 'd', "DE", 0, 0 .db 'e', "(DE)" .db 'b', "BC", 0, 0 .db 'c', "(BC)" .db 'a', "AF", 0, 0 .db 'f', "AF'", 0 .db 'x', "(IX)" .db 'y', "(IY)" .db 's', "SP", 0, 0 .db 'p', "(SP)" ; we also need argspecs for the condition flags .db 'Z', "Z", 0, 0, 0 .db 'z', "NZ", 0, 0 .db '^', "C", 0, 0, 0 .db '=', "NC", 0, 0 .db '+', "P", 0, 0, 0 .db '-', "M", 0, 0, 0 .db '1', "PO", 0, 0 .db '2', "PE", 0, 0 ; argspecs not in the list: ; N -> NN ; n -> (NN) ; Groups ; Groups are specified by strings of argspecs. To facilitate jumping to them, ; we have a fixed-sized table. Because most of them are 2 or 4 bytes long, we ; have a table that is 4 in size to minimize consumed space. We treat the two ; groups that take 8 bytes in a special way. ; ; The table below is in order, starting with group 0x01 argGrpTbl: .db "bdha" ; 0x01 .db "Zz^=" ; 0x02 argGrpCC: .db "Zz^=+-12" ; 0xa argGrpABCDEHL: .db "BCDEHL_A" ; 0xb ; This is a list of primary instructions (single upcode) that lead to a ; constant (no group code to insert). Format: ; ; 4 bytes for the name (fill with zero) ; 1 byte for arg constant ; 1 byte for 2nd arg constant ; 1 byte displacement for group arguments ; 1 byte for upcode instrTBlPrimary: .db "ADD", 0, 'A', 'h', 0, 0x86 ; ADD A, HL .db "AND", 0, 'l', 0, 0, 0xa6 ; AND (HL) .db "AND", 0, 0xa, 0, 0, 0b10100000 ; AND r .db "CCF", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x3f ; CCF .db "CPL", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x2f ; CPL .db "DAA", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x27 ; DAA .db "DI",0,0, 0, 0, 0, 0xf3 ; DI .db "EI",0,0, 0, 0, 0, 0xfb ; EI .db "EX",0,0, 'p', 'h', 0, 0xe3 ; EX (SP), HL .db "EX",0,0, 'a', 'f', 0, 0x08 ; EX AF, AF' .db "EX",0,0, 'd', 'h', 0, 0xeb ; EX DE, HL .db "EXX", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0xd9 ; EXX .db "HALT", 0, 0, 0, 0x76 ; HALT .db "INC", 0, 'l', 0, 0, 0x34 ; INC (HL) .db "JP",0,0, 'l', 0, 0, 0xe9 ; JP (HL) .db "LD",0,0, 'c', 'A', 0, 0x02 ; LD (BC), A .db "LD",0,0, 'e', 'A', 0, 0x12 ; LD (DE), A .db "LD",0,0, 'A', 'c', 0, 0x0a ; LD A, (BC) .db "LD",0,0, 'A', 'e', 0, 0x0a ; LD A, (DE) .db "LD",0,0, 's', 'h', 0, 0x0a ; LD SP, HL .db "LD",0,0, 'l', 0xb, 0, 0b01110000 ; LD (HL), r .db "NOP", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x00 ; NOP .db "OR",0,0, 'l', 0, 0, 0xb6 ; OR (HL) .db "POP", 0, 0x1, 0, 4, 0b11000001 ; POP qq .db "RET", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0xc9 ; RET .db "RET", 0, 0xb, 0, 3, 0b11000000 ; RET cc .db "RLA", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x17 ; RLA .db "RLCA", 0, 0, 0, 0x07 ; RLCA .db "RRA", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x1f ; RRA .db "RRCA", 0, 0, 0, 0x0f ; RRCA .db "SCF", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x37 ; SCF ; *** Variables *** ; enough space for 4 chars and a null curWord: .db 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ; Args are 3 bytes: argspec, then values of numerical constants (when that's ; appropriate) curArg1: .db 0, 0, 0 curArg2: .db 0, 0, 0 ; space for tmp stuff tmpVal: .db 0, 0, 0, 0, 0