; vdp - console on SMS' VDP ; ; Implement PutC on the console. Characters start at the top left. Every PutC ; call converts the ASCII char received to its internal font, then put that ; char on screen, advancing the cursor by one. When reaching the end of the ; line (33rd char), wrap to the next. ; ; In the future, there's going to be a scrolling mechanism when we reach the ; bottom of the screen, but for now, when the end of the screen is reached, we ; wrap up to the top. ; ; When reaching a new line, we clear that line and the next to help readability. ; ; *** Defines *** ; FNT_DATA: Pointer to 7x7 font data. ; *** Consts *** ; .equ VDP_CTLPORT 0xbf .equ VDP_DATAPORT 0xbe .equ VDP_COLS 32 .equ VDP_ROWS 24 ; *** Code *** vdpInit: ld hl, vdpInitData ld b, vdpInitDataEnd-vdpInitData ld c, VDP_CTLPORT otir ; Blank VRAM xor a out (VDP_CTLPORT), a ld a, 0x40 out (VDP_CTLPORT), a ld bc, 0x4000 .loop1: xor a out (VDP_DATAPORT), a dec bc ld a, b or c jr nz, .loop1 ; Set palettes xor a out (VDP_CTLPORT), a ld a, 0xc0 out (VDP_CTLPORT), a xor a ; palette 0: black out (VDP_DATAPORT), a ld a, 0x3f ; palette 1: white out (VDP_DATAPORT), a ; Define tiles xor a out (VDP_CTLPORT), a ld a, 0x40 out (VDP_CTLPORT), a ld hl, FNT_DATA ld c, 0x7e-0x20 ; range of displayable chars in font. ; Each row in FNT_DATA is a row of the glyph and there is 7 of them. ; We insert a blank one at the end of those 7. For each row we set, we ; need to send 3 zero-bytes because each pixel in the tile is actually ; 4 bits because it can select among 16 palettes. We use only 2 of them, ; which is why those bytes always stay zero. .loop2: ld b, 7 .loop3: ld a, (hl) out (VDP_DATAPORT), a ; send 3 blanks xor a out (VDP_DATAPORT), a nop ; the VDP needs 16 T-states to breathe out (VDP_DATAPORT), a nop out (VDP_DATAPORT), a inc hl djnz .loop3 ; Send a blank row after the 7th row xor a out (VDP_DATAPORT), a nop out (VDP_DATAPORT), a nop out (VDP_DATAPORT), a nop out (VDP_DATAPORT), a dec c jr nz, .loop2 ; Bit 7 = ?, Bit 6 = display enabled ld a, 0b11000000 out (VDP_CTLPORT), a ld a, 0x81 out (VDP_CTLPORT), a ret ; Convert ASCII char in A into a tile index corresponding to that character. ; When a character is unknown, returns 0x5e (a '~' char). vdpConv: ; The font is organized to closely match ASCII, so this is rather easy. ; We simply subtract 0x20 from incoming A sub 0x20 cp 0x5f ret c ; A < 0x5f, good ld a, 0x5e ret ; grid routine. Sets cell at row D and column E to character A vdpSetCell: call vdpConv ; store A away ex af, af' push bc ld b, 0 ; we push rotated bits from D into B so ; that we'll already have our low bits from the ; second byte we'll send right after. ; Here, we're fitting a 5-bit line, and a 5-bit column on 16-bit, right ; aligned. On top of that, our righmost bit is taken because our target ; cell is 2-bytes wide and our final number is a VRAM address. ld a, d sla a ; should always push 0, so no pushing in B sla a ; same sla a ; same sla a \ rl b sla a \ rl b sla a \ rl b ld c, a ld a, e sla a ; A * 2 or c ; bring in two low bits from D into high ; two bits out (VDP_CTLPORT), a ld a, b ; 3 low bits set or 0x78 ; 01 header + 0x3800 out (VDP_CTLPORT), a pop bc ; We're ready to send our data now. Let's go ex af, af' out (VDP_DATAPORT), a ret ; VDP initialisation data vdpInitData: ; 0x8x == set register X .db 0b00000100, 0x80 ; Bit 2: Select mode 4 .db 0b00000000, 0x81 .db 0b11111111, 0x82 ; Name table: 0x3800 .db 0b11111111, 0x85 ; Sprite table: 0x3f00 .db 0b11111111, 0x86 ; sprite use tiles from 0x2000 .db 0b11111111, 0x87 ; Border uses palette 0xf .db 0b00000000, 0x88 ; BG X scroll .db 0b00000000, 0x89 ; BG Y scroll .db 0b11111111, 0x8a ; Line counter (why have this?) vdpInitDataEnd: