; This repesents a full-featured shell, that is, a shell that includes all ; options it has to offer. For a minimal shell, use "gluem.asm" .inc "user.h" .inc "err.h" .inc "ascii.h" .inc "blkdev.h" .inc "fs.h" jp init .inc "core.asm" .inc "lib/util.asm" .inc "lib/parse.asm" .inc "lib/args.asm" .equ SHELL_RAMSTART USER_RAMSTART .equ SHELL_EXTRA_CMD_COUNT 9 .inc "shell/main.asm" .dw blkBselCmd, blkSeekCmd, blkLoadCmd, blkSaveCmd .dw fsOnCmd, flsCmd, fnewCmd, fdelCmd, fopnCmd .inc "lib/ari.asm" .inc "lib/fmt.asm" .inc "shell/blkdev.asm" .inc "shell/fs.asm" .equ PGM_RAMSTART SHELL_RAMEND .equ PGM_CODEADDR USER_CODE .inc "shell/pgm.asm" init: call shellInit ld hl, pgmShellHook ld (SHELL_CMDHOOK), hl jp shellLoop USER_RAMSTART: