; pad - read input from MD controller ; ; Conveniently expose an API to read the status of a MD pad A. Moreover, ; implement a mechanism to input arbitrary characters from it. It goes as ; follow: ; ; * Direction pad select characters. Up/Down move by one, Left/Right move by 5\ ; * Start acts like Return ; * A acts like Backspace ; * B changes "character class": lowercase, uppercase, numbers, special chars. ; The space character is the first among special chars. ; * C confirms letter selection ; ; *** Consts *** ; .equ PAD_CTLPORT 0x3f .equ PAD_D1PORT 0xdc .equ PAD_UP 0 .equ PAD_DOWN 1 .equ PAD_LEFT 2 .equ PAD_RIGHT 3 .equ PAD_BUTB 4 .equ PAD_BUTC 5 .equ PAD_BUTA 6 .equ PAD_START 7 ; *** Variables *** ; ; Button status of last padUpdateSel call. Used for debouncing. .equ PAD_SELSTAT PAD_RAMSTART ; Button status of last padGetC call. .equ PAD_GETCSTAT PAD_SELSTAT+1 ; Current selection "class". 0 = lowcase, 1 = upcase, 2 = num, 3 = symbols .equ PAD_SELCLASS PAD_GETCSTAT+1 ; Current selected character .equ PAD_SELCHR PAD_SELCLASS+1 ; When non-zero, will be the next char returned in GetC. So far, only used for ; LF that is feeded when Start is pressed. .equ PAD_NEXTCHR PAD_SELCHR+1 .equ PAD_RAMEND PAD_NEXTCHR+1 ; *** Code *** padInit: ld a, 0xff ld (PAD_SELSTAT), a ld (PAD_GETCSTAT), a xor a ld (PAD_SELCLASS), a ld (PAD_NEXTCHR), a ld a, 'a' ld (PAD_SELCHR), a ret ; Put status for port A in register A. Bits, from MSB to LSB: ; Start - A - C - B - Right - Left - Down - Up ; Each bit is high when button is unpressed and low if button is pressed. For ; example, when no button is pressed, 0xff is returned. padStatus: ; This logic below is for the Genesis controller, which is modal. TH is ; an output pin that swiches the meaning of TL and TR. When TH is high ; (unselected), TL = Button B and TR = Button C. When TH is low ; (selected), TL = Button A and TR = Start. push bc ld a, 0b11111101 ; TH output, unselected out (PAD_CTLPORT), a in a, (PAD_D1PORT) and 0x3f ; low 6 bits are good ld b, a ; let's store them ; Start and A are returned when TH is selected, in bits 5 and 4. Well ; get them, left-shift them and integrate them to B. ld a, 0b11011101 ; TH output, selected out (PAD_CTLPORT), a in a, (PAD_D1PORT) and 0b00110000 sla a sla a or b pop bc ret ; From a pad status in A, update current char selection and return it. ; Returns the same Z as padStatus: set if unchanged, unset if changed padUpdateSel: call padStatus push hl ld hl, PAD_SELSTAT cp (hl) ld (hl), a pop hl jr z, .nothing ; nothing changed bit PAD_UP, a jr z, .up bit PAD_DOWN, a jr z, .down bit PAD_LEFT, a jr z, .left bit PAD_RIGHT, a jr z, .right jr .nothing .up: ld a, (PAD_SELCHR) inc a jr .setchr .down: ld a, (PAD_SELCHR) dec a jr .setchr .left: ld a, (PAD_SELCHR) dec a \ dec a \ dec a \ dec a \ dec a jr .setchr .right: ld a, (PAD_SELCHR) inc a \ inc a \ inc a \ inc a \ inc a jr .setchr .setchr: ld (PAD_SELCHR), a jp unsetZ .nothing: cp a ; ensure Z ld a, (PAD_SELCHR) ret padGetC: ld a, (PAD_NEXTCHR) or a jr nz, .nextchr call padStatus push hl ld hl, PAD_GETCSTAT cp (hl) ld (hl), a pop hl jp z, unsetZ ; nothing changed bit PAD_BUTC, a jr z, .advance bit PAD_BUTA, a jr z, .backspace bit PAD_START, a jr z, .return jp unsetZ .return: ld a, ASCII_LF ld (PAD_NEXTCHR), a ; continue to .advance .advance: ld a, (PAD_SELCHR) cp a ret .backspace: ld a, ASCII_BS cp a ret .nextchr: ; We have a "next char", return it and clear it. cp a ; ensure Z push af xor a ld (PAD_NEXTCHR), a pop af ret