# Interfacing a PS/2 keyboard Serial connection through ACIA is nice, but you are probably plugging a modern computer on the other side of that ACIA, right? Let's go a step further away from those machines and drive a PS/2 keyboard directly! ## Goal Have a PS/2 keyboard drive the stdio input of the Collapse OS shell instead of the ACIA. ## Gathering parts * A RC2014 Classic that could install the base recipe * A PS/2 keyboard. A USB keyboard + PS/2 adapter should work, but I haven't tried it yet. * A PS/2 female connector. Not so readily available, at least not on digikey. I de-soldered mine from an old motherboard I had laying around. * ATtiny85/45/25 (main MCU for the device) * 74xx595 (shift register) * 40106 inverter gates * Diodes for `A*`, `IORQ`, `RO`. * Proto board, RC2014 header pins, wires, IC sockets, etc. * [AVRA][avra] ## Building the PS/2 interface Let's start with the PS/2 connector, which has two pins:  Both are connected to the ATtiny45, `CLK` being on `PB2` to have `INT0` on it. The `DATA` line is multi-use. That is, `PB1` is connected both to the PS/2 data line and to the 595's `SER`. This saves us a precious pin.  The ATtiny 45 hooks everything together. `CE` comes from the z80 bus, see below.  This allows us to supply the z80 bus with data within its 375ns limits. `SRCLR` is hooked to the `CE` line so that whenever a byte is read, the 595 is zeroed out as fast as possible so that the z80 doesn't read "false doubles". The 595, to have its `SRCLR` becoming effective, needs a `RCLK` trigger, which doesn't happen immediately. It's the ATtiny45, in its `PCINT` interrupt, that takes care of doing that trigger (as fast as possible).  Our device is read only, on one port. That makes the "Chip Enable" (`CE`) selection rather simple. In my design, I chose the IO port 8, so I inverted `A3`. I chose a 40106 inverter to do that, do as you please for your own design. I wanted to hook `CE` to a flip flop so that the MCU could relax a bit more w.r.t. reacting to its `PB4` pin changes, but I didn't have NAND gates that are fast enough in stock, so I went with this design. But otherwise, I would probably have gone the flip-flop way. Seems more solid. ## Using the PS/2 interface After having built and flashed the `glue.asm` supplied with this recipe, you end up with a shell driven by the PS/2 keyboard (but it still outputs to ACIA). There are still a few glitches, especially at initialization or at connect and disconnect, but it otherwise works rather well! [avra]: https://github.com/hsoft/avra