CFSPACK = ../cfspack/cfspack TARGETS = shell/shell zasm/zasm runbin/runbin KERNEL = ../../kernel APPS = ../../apps ZASMBIN = zasm/zasm ZASMSH = ../ .PHONY: all all: $(TARGETS) shell/kernel-bin.h: shell/shell_.asm $(ZASMBIN) $(ZASMSH) $(KERNEL) < $< | ./ KERNEL | tee $@ > /dev/null zasm/kernel-bin.h: zasm/kernel.bin ./ KERNEL < $< | tee $@ > /dev/null zasm/zasm-bin.h: zasm/zasm.bin ./ USERSPACE < $< | tee $@ > /dev/null shell/shell: shell/shell.c libz80/libz80.o shell/kernel-bin.h $(ZASMBIN): zasm/zasm.c libz80/libz80.o zasm/kernel-bin.h zasm/zasm-bin.h $(CFSPACK) runbin/runbin: runbin/runbin.c libz80/libz80.o $(TARGETS): $(CC) $< libz80/libz80.o -o $@ libz80/libz80.o: libz80/z80.c make -C libz80/codegen opcodes $(CC) -Wall -ansi -g -c -o libz80/libz80.o libz80/z80.c $(CFSPACK): make -C ../cfspack .PHONY: updatebootstrap updatebootstrap: $(ZASMBIN) $(INCCFS) $(ZASMSH) $(KERNEL) < zasm/glue.asm > zasm/kernel.bin $(ZASMSH) $(KERNEL) $(APPS) zasm/user.h < $(APPS)/zasm/glue.asm > zasm/zasm.bin # Sometimes, when developing zasm, stuff get messed up and it's hard to unmess # because zasm's brake-up ends up in its bootstrap bins. Sure, we can revert # from git, but if we're in the middle of some work, it's inconvenient. As long # as we don't diverge from scas's syntax, it can come to the recue! .PHONY: rescue rescue: scas -o zasm/kernel.bin -I $(KERNEL) zasm/glue.asm scas -o zasm/zasm.bin -I $(APPS) -I $(KERNEL) -I zasm $(APPS)/zasm/glue.asm .PHONY: clean clean: rm -f $(TARGETS) {zasm,shell}/*-bin.h