local longpress = require "awesome-longpress" local beautiful = require "beautiful" local posix = require "posix" local wibox = require "wibox" local gears = require "gears" local fswidget = { mounts = {}, ignoreMounts = {["/boot"]=true}, ignoreDevs = {}, iconSize = 96, iconPath = "/home/izaya/.config/awesome/awesome-fswidget" } local fstypes = {} local f = io.open("/proc/filesystems") for line in f:lines() do if not line:match("nodev") then fstypes[line:match("%S+")] = true end end local function getMountedFilesystems() local f = io.open("/proc/mounts") for line in f:lines() do local dev,mp,fst,opt = line:match("(%S+)%s+(%S+)%s+(%S+)%s+(.+)") if fstypes[fst] and not fswidget.ignoreMounts[mp] and not fswidget.ignoreDevs[dev] then fswidget.mounts[dev] = fswidget.mounts[dev] or {} fswidget.mounts[dev][#fswidget.mounts[dev]+1] = mp fswidget.mounts[dev].device = dev if opt:match("ssd") then fswidget.mounts[dev].ssd = true end end end end local function chooseIcon(mount) local icon = "drive-harddisk" if mount.ssd then icon = "drive-harddisk-solidstate" end if mount.device:match("mmcblk") then icon = "media-memory-mmc" end return icon end local sizeTable = {[0] = "B", "K","M","G","T","P"} local function formatSize(n) local i = 0 while n > 1024 do n = n / 1024 i = i + 1 end return string.format("%0.1f%s",n,sizeTable[i]) end local function updateWidget(self) local stat = posix.statvfs(self.mountpoint) if stat then local free, used, fraction = stat.bfree * stat.bsize, (stat.blocks - stat.bfree) * stat.bsize, (stat.blocks - stat.bfree) / stat.blocks self.fsbar.value = fraction self.fspercent.text = string.format("%.1f%%",fraction*100) self.fsused.text = formatSize(used) self.fsfree.text = formatSize(free) end end function fswidget.new(mount) local fs = mount[1] local fsbar = wibox.widget{ widget = wibox.widget.progressbar, max_value = 1, forced_height = fswidget.iconSize / 6, border_color = beautiful.fg_focus, color = beautiful.bg_focus, background_color = beautiful.bg_normal, } local fspercent = wibox.widget{ widget = wibox.widget.textbox, } local fsused = wibox.widget{ widget = wibox.widget.textbox, visible = false } local fsfree = wibox.widget{ widget = wibox.widget.textbox, visible = false } local w = wibox.widget{ layout = wibox.layout.stack, wibox.widget{ widget = wibox.widget.imagebox, forced_width = fswidget.iconSize, forced_height = fswidget.iconSize, image = string.format("%s/%s.svg", fswidget.iconPath, chooseIcon(mount)) }, wibox.container.place(wibox.widget{ widget = wibox.widget.textbox, text = fs },"center","top"), wibox.container.place(fsbar,"center","bottom"), wibox.container.place(fspercent,"center","bottom"), wibox.container.place(fsused,"left","bottom"), wibox.container.place(fsfree,"right","bottom") } local c = wibox.container.constraint(w,nil,fswidget.iconSize,fswidget.iconSize) c.update, c.mountpoint, c.fsbar, c.fspercent, c.fsused, c.fsfree = updateWidget, fs, fsbar, fspercent, fsused, fsfree longpress.add(c, function() fspercent.visible = not fspercent.visible fsused.visible = not fsused.visible fsfree.visible = not fsfree.visible end) c:update() return c end function fswidget.all() local r = {} getMountedFilesystems() for k,v in pairs(fswidget.mounts) do r[#r+1] = fswidget.new(v) end return r end return fswidget