local awful = require("awful") local wibox = require("wibox") local gears = require("gears") local beautiful = require("beautiful") local menubar = require("menubar") local cairo = require("lgi").cairo local Rsvg = require("lgi").Rsvg local longpress = require("awesome-longpress") local posix = require "posix" local batterystat = { batteries = {}, iconSize = 96, iconPath = os.getenv("HOME") .. "/.config/awesome/awesome-batterystat/" --iconPath = gears.filesystem.get_configuration_dir() .. "/awesome-batterystat/" } local iconNames = { ["battery-full"] = 95, ["battery-good"] = 70, ["battery-low"] = 40, ["battery-caution"] = 20, ["battery-empty"] = 0} local function chooseIcon(status,percent) local bestIcon,bestPercent = "", -1 for k,v in pairs(iconNames) do if v > bestPercent and percent >= v then bestIcon, bestPercent = k, v end end if status == "Charging" then return bestIcon.."-charging" end return bestIcon end -- preload icon widgets to avoid loading them on every update local icons = {} for k,v in pairs(iconNames) do icons[k] = wibox.widget{ widget = wibox.widget.imagebox, forced_height = batterystat.iconSize, forced_width = batterystat.iconSize, image = string.format("%s/%s.svg",batterystat.iconPath,k) } icons[k.."-charging"] = wibox.widget{ widget = wibox.widget.imagebox, forced_height = batterystat.iconSize, forced_width = batterystat.iconSize, image = string.format("%s/%s-charging.svg",batterystat.iconPath,k) } end local function getBatteryState(path) local state, percent local f = io.open(string.format("%s/status",path),"r") if f then state = f:read("*a"):match("%S+") f:close() end local f = io.open(string.format("%s/capacity",path),"r") if f then percent = tonumber(f:read("*a"):match("%S+")) f:close() end return state, percent end function batterystat.scan() for _,d in pairs(posix.dir("/sys/class/power_supply")) do local f = io.open(string.format("/sys/class/power_supply/%s/type",d)) if f then local ptype = f:read("*a"):match("%S+") if ptype == "Battery" then batterystat.batteries[#batterystat.batteries+1] = string.format("/sys/class/power_supply/%s/",d) end f:close() end end end local function bwidgetUpdate(self) self:reset() for k,v in pairs(batterystat.batteries) do local name = v:match("/([^/]+)/$") local state, percent = getBatteryState(v) local colour = (state == "Charging") and "lime" or "red" local sbwidget = (wibox.widget{ layout = wibox.layout.stack, forced_width = batterystat.iconSize, icons[chooseIcon(state,percent)], wibox.widget{ widget = wibox.widget.textbox, align = "center", valign = "top", text = name }, wibox.widget{ widget = wibox.widget.textbox, align = "right", valign = "bottom", markup = string.format('%d%%',colour,percent) } }) self:add(sbwidget) end end function batterystat.new() local bwidget = wibox.widget{ layout = wibox.layout.grid.horizontal, update = bwidgetUpdate } batterystat.scan() return bwidget end return batterystat