{ "path": "resource/plants/platiolus_plant.json", "enabled": true, "id": "resource:platiolus_plant", "plant_name": "Platiolus", "seed_name": "Platiolus Seeds", "seed_items": [], "description": { "translations": {}, "default": "The unquestioned king among the metal-bearing plants, this plant has a gleam to it that puts even the aurigold flower to shame." }, "growth_chance": 0.9, "growth_bonus": 0.025, "bonemeal": false, "tier": 1, "weedable": false, "aggressive": false, "spread_chance": 0.1, "spawn_chance": 0.0, "grass_drop_chance": 0.0, "seed_drop_chance": 1.0, "seed_drop_bonus": 0.0, "products": { "products": [ { "min": 1, "max": 2, "chance": 0.95, "required": true, "item": "oredict:nuggetPlatinum", "meta": 0, "tags": "", "ignoreMeta": false, "ignoreTags": [], "useOreDict": false } ] }, "requirement": { "min_light": 10, "max_light": 16, "soils": [ "gravel_soil" ], "conditions": [ { "amount": 1, "min_x": 0, "min_y": -2, "min_z": 0, "max_x": 0, "max_y": -2, "max_z": 0, "item": "oredict:orePlatinum", "meta": 0, "tags": "", "ignoreMeta": true, "ignoreTags": [], "useOreDict": true } ] }, "texture": { "render_type": "hash", "seed_texture": "agricraft:items/seed_platiolus", "plant_textures": [ "agricraft:blocks/crop_platiolus1", "agricraft:blocks/crop_platiolus1", "agricraft:blocks/crop_platiolus1", "agricraft:blocks/crop_platiolus2", "agricraft:blocks/crop_platiolus2", "agricraft:blocks/crop_platiolus2", "agricraft:blocks/crop_platiolus3", "agricraft:blocks/crop_platiolus4" ] } }