# Configuration file ########################################################################################################## # addons #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Settings for DevotionIRC addons that are not part of the core of the mod. ########################################################################################################## addons { } ########################################################################################################## # bot #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Bot settings and behaviour for the IRC chat. Can be overridden by servers and channels. ########################################################################################################## bot { # If set to true, CTCP queries from this IRC context will be allowed. B:allowCTCP=false # If set to true, private messages can be sent and received from this IRC context. B:allowPrivateMessages=true # If set to true, colors from this IRC context will be translated into Minecraft colors and vice-versa. B:convertColors=true # The description for your IRC user. No effect in channels. S:description=EiraIRC Bot # The list of minecraft commands (such as /stop) that are disabled for InterOp. S:disabledInterOpCommands < > # The list of IRC commands (such as !who) that are disabled. Supports "*" for all. S:disabledNativeCommands < > # If set to true, links from this IRC context will be replaced by . B:filterLinks=false # If set to true, NOTICE messages from this IRC context will only be printed in the console. B:hideNotices=false # The ident for your IRC user. No effect in channels. S:ident=EiraIRC # Allows the usage of InterOp commands between Minecraft and IRC. B:interOp=true # The list of IRC auth usernames that may run InterOp commands from IRC. S:interOpAuthList < > # Format error: The format to put the nick in (previously nickPrefix and nickSuffix). %s will be replaced by the nick. No effect in channels. Example: %s-IG S:mcNickFormat=%s # The name to the message format used to display chat messages. See /eirairc/formats/. S:messageFormat=S-Light # The message shown to others when you leave IRC. S:quitMessage=Lycopene~ # If set to true, Minecraft Achievement messages will be sent to this IRC context. B:relayAchievements=false # If set to true, Minecraft server broadcasts (/say) will be sent to this IRC context. B:relayBroadcasts=true # If set to true, Minecraft death messages will be sent to this IRC context. B:relayDeathMessages=false # If set to true, IRC join/leave messages from this IRC context will be sent to Minecraft chat. B:relayIRCJoinLeave=true # If set to true, Minecraft join/leave messages will be sent to this IRC context. B:relayMinecraftJoinLeave=false # If set to true, IRC nick changes from this IRC context will be sent to Minecraft chat. B:relayNickChanges=true # If set to true, users who join this IRC context will be sent a list of all online Minecraft players. B:sendAutoWho=false } ########################################################################################################## # general #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Basic DevotionIRC Settings ########################################################################################################## general { # A list of colors that players are not allowed to use as name colors when using the '/irc color' command. S:colorBlacklist < black darkgray > # [Advanced] If set to true, raw IRC messages will be printed into the log for investigation purposes. B:debugMode=false # The default chat target to select when opening the chat for the first time. S:defaultChat=Minecraft # If set to true, players can use the '/irc color' command to set a color for their MC nick. See also: colorBlacklist B:enablePlayerColors=true # If set to true, DevotionIRC will attempt to strip player name tags such as [Admin] (that were added by other mods) when sending to IRC. B:hidePlayerTags=false # The prefix to be used for running commands in an IRC channel. S:ircCommandPrefix=! # This adds an invisible character to player names sent to IRC to prevent pinging those users of the same name on IRC. Thanks to Simon Meskens! B:preventUserPing=false # If enabled, DevotionIRC will attempt to map Twitch colors to Minecraft colors for nicks. B:twitchNameColors=true } ########################################################################################################## # network #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Advanced network settings to configure SSL usage and proxies ########################################################################################################## network { # The time in milliseconds to wait in between bigger bunches of messages to prevent Excess Flood issues. I:antiFloodTime=500 # [Advanced] The IP address to use for outgoing connections. S:bindIP= # [Advanced] The address to a proxy you want connections to go through. S:proxyHost= # [Advanced] The password to authenticate with the proxy, if necessary. S:proxyPassword= # [Advanced] The username to authenticate with the proxy, if necessary. S:proxyUsername= # [Advanced] The path to a custom SSL truststore. S:sslCustomTrustStore= # [Advanced] If set to true, disables DiffieHellman encryption for SSL connections to work around a Java issue. B:sslDisableDiffieHellman=true # [Advanced] If set to true, DevotionIRC will accept all SSL certificates without checking the truststore. B:sslTrustAllCerts=false } ########################################################################################################## # settings #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # General settings for IRC connections. Can be overridden by servers and channels. ########################################################################################################## settings { # If set to true, DevotionIRC will automatically join this server / channel on startup. B:autoJoin=true # If set to true, DevotionIRC will automatically print a list of all IRC users to the chat. B:autoWho=false # If set to true, DevotionIRC will not show messages from this IRC context in chat at all. B:muted=false # If set to true, DevotionIRC will only read messages from IRC, but never send any to this IRC context. B:readOnly=false # Should names be prefixed with @ for OPs and + for voice? B:showNameFlags=false # Should only messages from Twitch subscribers be shown in Minecraft? B:subOnly=false } ########################################################################################################## # theme #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Color settings for names and text in chat. Can be overridden by servers and channels. ########################################################################################################## theme { # Color for emote messages. S:emoteTextColor=gold # Color for default IRC names. S:ircNameColor=gray # Color for IRC NOTICE messages. S:ircNoticeTextColor=red # Color for operator IRC names. S:ircOpNameColor=gold # Color for IRC names in private chat. S:ircPrivateNameColor=gray # Color for voiced IRC names. S:ircVoiceNameColor=gray # Color for default Minecraft names. S:mcNameColor=white # Color for operator Minecraft names. S:mcOpNameColor=red }