# Configuration file ~CONFIG_VERSION: 0.2 enable-disable { B:"Drop barley seeds from grass"=true B:"Drop cotton seeds from grass"=true B:"Enable Clouds"=false B:"Enable wheat to flour recipe"=true B:"Generate Amaranth Trees"=true B:"Generate Ash Clouds"=true B:"Generate Barley Crops"=true B:"Generate Blackberry Bushes"=true B:"Generate Blightberry Bushes"=true B:"Generate Bloodwood Trees"=true B:"Generate Blue Glowshroom"=true B:"Generate Bluebell Flowers"=true B:"Generate Blueberry Bushes"=true B:"Generate Cotton Crops"=true B:"Generate Dark Clouds"=true B:"Generate Darkwood Trees"=true B:"Generate Duskberry Bushes"=true B:"Generate Fusewood Trees"=true B:"Generate Ghostwood Trees"=true B:"Generate Glowshroom Trees"=true B:"Generate Green Glowshroom"=true B:"Generate Heat Sand"=true B:"Generate Hopseed Trees"=true B:"Generate Maloberry Bushes"=true B:"Generate Maple Trees"=true B:"Generate Overworld Clouds"=true B:"Generate Purple Glowshroom"=true B:"Generate Raspberry Bushes"=true B:"Generate Redwood Trees"=false B:"Generate Saguaro Cactus"=true B:"Generate Sakura Trees"=true B:"Generate Silverbell Trees"=true B:"Generate Skyberry Bushes"=true B:"Generate Small Eucalyptus Trees"=true B:"Generate Stingberry Bushes"=true B:"Generate Sulfur Clouds"=true B:"Generate Tained Soil"=true B:"Generate Thornvines"=true B:"Generate Tigerwood Trees"=true B:"Generate Willow Trees"=true B:"Obelisks let players respawn in the Nether"=true } entities { B:"Enable Heatscar Spiders"=false } mob-changes { I:"Maximum Baby Heatscar Spiders on Spider Death"=4 I:"Minimum Baby Heatscar Spiders on Spider Death"=2 } retrogen { B:"Retroactive Generation"=false } worldgen { I:"Amaranth Tree Spawn Rarity"=1 I:"Ash Cloud Spawn Height"=40 I:"Ash Cloud Spawn Range"=78 I:"Ash Cloud Spawn Rarity"=8 I:"Blackberry Spawn Range"=64 I:"Blackberry Spawn Rarity"=48 I:"Blightberry Spawn Range"=100 I:"Blightberry Spawn Rarity"=18 I:"Bloodwood Tree Spawn Rarity"=14 I:"Blueberry Spawn Range"=64 I:"Blueberry Spawn Rarity"=34 I:"Cloud Spawn Height"=192 I:"Cloud Spawn Range"=48 I:"Cloud Spawn Rarity"=10 I:"Dark Cloud Spawn Density"=10 I:"Dark Cloud Spawn Height"=64 I:"Dark Cloud Spawn Range"=256 I:"Darkwood Tree Spawn Rarity"=10 I:"Duskberry Spawn Range"=100 I:"Duskberry Spawn Rarity"=18 I:"Eucalyptus Tree Spawn Range"=32 I:"Eucalyptus Tree Spawn Rarity"=25 # Controls what the lowest Y level trees can grow at in a flat world, make value lower if the tree will not grow I:"Flat Sea level"=1 I:"Fusewood Tree Spawn Rarity"=50 I:"Ghostwood Tree Spawn Rarity"=10 I:"Heat Sand Cluster Count"=4 I:"Heat Sand Cluster Size"=33 I:"Hopseed Tree Spawn Range"=20 I:"Hopseed Tree Spawn Rarity"=10 I:"Maloberry Spawn Range"=64 I:"Maloberry Spawn Rarity"=40 I:"Maple Tree Spawn Rarity"=10 I:"Nether World Generation Dimension Blacklist" < > I:"Overworld World Generation Dimension Blacklist" < > I:"Raspberry Spawn Range"=64 I:"Raspberry Spawn Rarity"=30 I:"Redwood Tree Spawn Rarity"=150 I:"Saguaro Cactus Spawn Rarity"=5 I:"Sakura Tree Spawn Range"=32 I:"Sakura Tree Spawn Rarity"=10 # Controls what the lowest Y level trees can grow at, make lower if the tree will not grow I:"Sea level"=64 I:"Silverbell Tree Spawn Rarity"=70 I:"Skyberry Spawn Range"=100 I:"Skyberry Spawn Rarity"=18 I:"Stingberry Spawn Range"=100 I:"Stingberry Spawn Rarity"=18 I:"Sulfur Cloud Spawn Height"=40 I:"Sulfur Cloud Spawn Range"=78 I:"Sulfur Cloud Spawn Rarity"=8 I:"Tainted Soil Cluster Count"=4 I:"Tainted Soil Cluster Size"=33 I:"Thornvines Spawn Rarity"=40 I:"Tigerwood Tree Spawn Rarity"=30 I:"Willow Tree Spawn Rarity"=10 I:"dimension blacklist(ash clouds)" < > I:"dimension blacklist(clouds)" < > I:"dimension blacklist(dark clouds)" < > I:"dimension blacklist(sulfur clouds)" < > }