Adds an alias into the system. The alias can be used in following elements just like the value itself. Aliases can be replaced. Restricts this alias to only be used if the given config value has the given value. Restricts this alias to only be used if the given elements descriptor can (not) be found in the game. Use this to prevent replacing good aliases with bad ones. The name of the alias. You can use anything here, but be aware that you share the namespace with all other game elements. A descriptor naming an item, block, ordict or another alias. A single recipe. It can have any number of crafting or any number of smelting variants (no mixing), but at any time only one of them may be active. Restricts this recipe to only be used if the given config value has the given value. Restricts this recipe to only be used if the given game element can (not) be found in the game. Crafting variants are crafted in a crafting table. Restricts this variant to only be used if the given config value has the given value. Restricts this variant to only be used if the given game element can (not) be found in the game. A grid represents a shaped recipe. All items must be in the exact position they are given here. If the recipe is smaller than 3x3, it may be moved in the grid. An item to be used for crafting. The size of the grid in the form "width 'x' height". Default is "3x3". A shapeless recipe only required the given items to be in the grid, regardless of their position. An item to be used for crafting. The result of the crafting. Restricts this output to only be used if the given config value has the given value. Restricts this output to only be used if the given game element can (not) be found in the game. If true, a special recipe class will be used that will copy over all nbt from the first input item of the same type. Smelting variants are crafted in a furnace (or alloy smelter in furnace mode). Restricts this variant to only be used if the given config value has the given value. Restricts this variant to only be used if the given game element can (not) be found in the game. The result of the smelting. Restricts this output to only be used if the given config value has the given value. Restricts this output to only be used if the given game element can (not) be found in the game. The number of items to smelt into. The chance to get 1 EXP from the smelting one output item. Note that this is always for one item, regardless of the recipe size. The number must be between 0.0 (for no EXP) and 1.0 for a 100% chance. If this attribute is missing it's value will be taken from already existing smelting recipes that produce this item (really recommended for stuff that already has vanilla smelting recipes). If there's no existing smelting, it will be 0. Please note that items have the possibility to override this value. If set to true, the recipe will be registered for the Tinkers' Smeltery. For this to work, the output item must already be registered with Tinkers to smelt into a fluid. If set to true, the recipe will be registered for the Vanilla Furnace. Smelting variants are crafted in Tinkers' casting table. Restricts this variant to only be used if the given config value has the given value. Restricts this variant to only be used if the given game element can (not) be found in the game. Items that represent the fluid (type and amount) that needs to be put into the cast. Only valid for Tinkers recipe. Number of input items needed for the output. Note that this is applied to the amount of fluid, not the number of items to smelt. The Tinkers cast to use. Should the cast be consumed? The result of the casting process. Enchantment recipes used in the Enchanter. Restricts this variant to only be used if the given config value has the given value. Restricts this variant to only be used if the given game element can (not) be found in the game. When this item is used in the Enchanter it will give this recipe. Only valid for Enchanter recipe. Number of input items needed for one level of the enchantment. An NBT tag in the same syntax Minecraft uses for recipes, the give command, etc. Enchantment to produce. The XP cost of the recipe will be multiplied with this value. Defaults to 1. Spawn recipes to be used in the powered spawner. Restricts this variant to only be used if the given config value has the given value. Restricts this variant to only be used if the given game element can (not) be found in the game. The settings for one type of entity. The ResourceLocation of the entity this entry is for. Aside from a literal ResourceLocation, a number of special values can be used. "*" denotes the default entry, its values are used when there is no matching configuration. "*boss*" matches all modded boss mobs; it can only be used for soul vial configuration. Additionally, both the modid and the mobid (the part before and after the colon) can contain a single asterisk as wildcard ("*:*" is an alias for "*"). If multiple entries match the same mob (only possible when using wildcards), the configurations combine. On entry disabling spawning or soulvialing is enough to disable that and the highest cost multipier is used. The cost of the recipe will be multiplied with this value. Defaults to 1. Entities that are disabled cannot be spawned by powered spawners. When set to true, the entity cannot be spawned and must be cloned from a captured entity instead (Attention: Possibility of item duping!) Specifies if this mob can be captured with a soul vial (default is yes). If an entity cannot be captured, it also cannot be spawning by powered spawners. Alloying variants are crafted in an alloy smelter. Restricts this variant to only be used if the given config value has the given value. Restricts this variant to only be used if the given game element can (not) be found in the game. Number of input items needed. An NBT tag in the same syntax Minecraft uses for recipes, the give command, etc. The result of the alloying. Restricts this output to only be used if the given config value has the given value. Restricts this output to only be used if the given game element can (not) be found in the game. The number of items to smelt into. The chance to get 1 EXP from the smelting one recipe. The number must be between 0.0 (for no EXP) and 1.0 for a 100% chance. The amount of energy running this recipe takes. Sagmilling recipes are used in a Sag Mill. Restricts this variant to only be used if the given config value has the given value. Restricts this variant to only be used if the given game element can (not) be found in the game. The result of the sagmilling. Restricts this output to only be used if the given config value has the given value. Restricts this output to only be used if the given game element can (not) be found in the game. The number of items to sagmill into. The chance that this item is produced by one run of the recipe. The chance is increased by the "chanceMultiplier" of the used grinding ball. If required is false, an output for something that doesn't exist in the game is silently skipped. Use this for optional additional outputs, as the whole recipe still needs at least one output (unless the whole recipe is optional). Use of grinding balls is restricted by the bonus type of the recipe. If it is set to "none", it will not have any grinding ball bonuses applied and will not reduce the durability of any balls in the mill at the time it is processed. If it is set to "chance_only", the chance and power multipliers of the grinding balls are applied, but not the grinding multiplier. If it is set to "multiply_output" (default), all multipliers apply. The amount of energy running this recipe takes. Recipe for the Slice'n'Splice A recipe for the VAT. A recipe for the Soul Binder. A recipe for the vanilla brewing stand. A recipe for the Tank. A pseudo-recipe for hiding items and fluids in the JEI list of ingredients. If a recipe is required, it is an error if none of its variants is valid. A display name. Used for error messages only. If a recipe is disabled it will not be registered and it will not check the validity of its content. Use this in the user file to disable core recipes. Either item or mod or upgrade must be given. A dependency is met (or not met if reverse is set) if the item (if given) exists and the upgrade (if given) exists and the mod (if given) is loaded. The ID of an item that must exist in the game The ID of a mod that must be loaded The ID of a Dark Steel Upgrade that must be loaded When set to true, the dependency is reversed, i.e. the item/mod/upgrade must not exist Restricts this output to only be used if the given config value has the given value. Restricts this output to only be used if the given game element can (not) be found in the game. The amount of energy running this recipe takes. Grinding balls provide bonus outputs and reduced power use. Using the user config new grinding balls may be added and existing ones removed. Use of the grinding ball is restricted by the bonusType of the recipe. If it is set to "none", it will not have any grinding ball bonuses applied and will not reduce the durability of any balls in the mill at the time it is processed. If it is set to "chance_only", the chance and power multipliers of the grinding balls are applied, but not the grinding multiplier. If it is set to "multiply_output" (default), all multipliers apply. The recipe output will be produced this many times. e.g. "3.14" would produce 3 copies of the complete output set and a 14% chance for a forth copy. The chances for the different outputs of the recipe are multiplied with this. e.g. if a recipe specifies <output name="cobblestone" chance="0.15" /> a chance multiplier of "3.14" would make it a 47.1% chance of getting one cobblestone. Results of more than 100% do not give multiples. The "energy cost" of the recipe is multiplied with this. This specifies how long one grinding ball will last before it is used up. The unit is the amount of power used by the SAG Mill. Capacitor Keys A Soul Binder recipe. The item that is the input. The soul that is the input. All souls must be in Soul Vials, so you only specify the soul itself here. The item to produce. Restricts this output to only be used if the given config value has the given value. Restricts this output to only be used if the given game element can (not) be found in the game. The amount of energy running this recipe takes. The amount of XP levels running this recipe takes. Which souls can be used with this recipe: * LISTED: Souls will be given with the 'soul' tag * ALL: All souls can be used * SPAWNABLE: All souls that can be used with the Powered Spawner can be used. * MONSTERS: All souls that are tagged as monster. * ANIMALS: All souls that are tagged as animals. A Brewing recipe. The item that is the input. A filling or emptying recipe for the tank. A marker to disable a recipe. Can be used together or instead of the disabled attribute. A fuel for usage in the combustion generators. Amount of energy the fuel generates per tick (base value) Number of ticks the fuel lasts (base value) Configure which items/fluids should be hidden in JEI. A coolant for usage in the combustion generators. degreesCoolingPerMB (base value) The resource ID of a potion. The ID of a fluid. An element will be hidden if: (1) there exists a configuration for it. Elements that are never configured will not be hidden. (2) There is no configuration that sets "show" to true OR (3) There is at least one configuration that sets "hide" to true. Ender IO itself will never set "hide" to true and will only use "show" internally. Modpack makers (and players) are expected to only use "hide" to hide stuff and use "show" to unhide stuff that Ender IO has hidden. An element will be hidden if: (1) there exists a configuration for it. Elements that are never configured will not be hidden. (2) There is no configuration that sets "show" to true OR (3) There is at least one configuration that sets "hide" to true. Ender IO itself will never set "hide" to true and will only use "show" internally. Modpack makers (and players) are expected to only use "hide" to hide stuff and use "show" to unhide stuff that Ender IO has hidden. An element will be hidden if: (1) there exists a configuration for it. Elements that are never configured will not be hidden. (2) There is no configuration that sets "show" to true OR (3) There is at least one configuration that sets "hide" to true. Ender IO itself will never set "hide" to true and will only use "show" internally. Modpack makers (and players) are expected to only use "hide" to hide stuff and use "show" to unhide stuff that Ender IO has hidden. An element will be hidden if: (1) there exists a configuration for it. Elements that are never configured will not be hidden. (2) There is no configuration that sets "show" to true OR (3) There is at least one configuration that sets "hide" to true. Ender IO itself will never set "hide" to true and will only use "show" internally. Modpack makers (and players) are expected to only use "hide" to hide stuff and use "show" to unhide stuff that Ender IO has hidden. The ID of a fluid. NBT for the fluid stack. Amount of fluid in mB. The registry name of a potion effect. If this is given, a potion bottle with this effect is created. Cannot be used together with name or nbt. A string that specifies one or more items, consisting of a comma-separated list of item specifiers. Specifiers may be prefixed with a "+" or "-", the latter removes that item from the list. If this is used as an input, all items in the list will be used. If it is used as an output, only the first one is used. The list can contain non-existing items as long as there also is at least one existing one. Each specifuer can be one of 4 things: (1) An alias, e.g. "IRON" (2) An oredict name, e.g. "ingotIron". Oredict names can be prefixed with "oredict:" to prevent confusion, e.g. "oredict:ingotIron" (3) The resource location of a block, e.g. "minecraft:stone". Block resource locations may be prefixed with "block:" to prevent confusion, e.g. "block:minecraft:stone". In recipes these will only work if that block has a corresponding item that is internally linked to the block. (4) The resource location of an item, e.g. "minecraft:iron_ingot". Item resource locations may be prefixed with "item:" to prevent confusion, e.g. "item:minecraft:iron_ingot". A number of items have blocks with the same name that are NOT linked, for them the "item:" prefix is required. Items can further be limited to specific meta values by postfixing with ":(number)", e.g. "item:minecraft:stone:3".