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Updated README to include libmtar documentation and added type annotations to libmtar

Dieser Commit ist enthalten in:
Izaya 2020-05-31 14:54:53 +10:00
Ursprung 235684b979
Commit f7ee3e3250
2 geänderte Dateien mit 10 neuen und 1 gelöschten Zeilen

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@ -12,3 +12,12 @@ mtar archive files consist of a number of file entries, in the following format:
- the file contents
Archives are terminated either by the end of file, or a record with a name length of zero.
## libmtar
libmtar is the reference implementation of mtar. It provides two functions:
- `libmtar.genHeader(string: name, number: len): string`
Generates an mtar file header for a file called *name* that is *len* bytes long.
- `libmtar.iter(table: stream): function`
Given buffer *stream*, returns an iterator suitable for use with *for* that returns, for each iteration, the file name, a function to read from the file, and the length of the file.

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@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ local function cint(n,l)
return string.reverse(string.char(table.unpack(t)):sub(1,l))
function mtar.genHeader(fname,len) -- generate a header for file *fname* when provided with file length *len*
function mtar.genHeader(fname,len) -- string number -- string -- Generates an mtar file header for a file called *name* that is *len* bytes long.
return string.format("%s%s%s",cint(fname:len(),2),fname,cint(len,2))