local mtar = {} local function toint(s) local n = 0 local i = 1 for p in s:gmatch(".") do n = n << 8 n = n | string.byte(p) i=i+1 end return n end local function cint(n,l) local t={} for i = 0, 7 do t[i+1] = (n >> (i * 8)) & 0xFF end return string.reverse(string.char(table.unpack(t)):sub(1,l)) end local function cleanPath(path) local pt = {} for segment in path:gmatch("[^/]+") do if segment == ".." then pt[#pt] = nil elseif segment ~= "." then pt[#pt+1] = segment end end return table.concat(pt,"/") end function mtar.genHeader(fname,len) -- generate a header for file *fname* when provided with file length *len* return string.format("%s%s%s",cint(fname:len(),2),fname,cint(len,2)) end function mtar.iter(stream) -- table -- function -- Given buffer *stream*, returns an iterator suitable for use with *for* that returns, for each iteration, the file name, a function to read from the file, and the length of the file. local remain = 0 local function read(n) local rb = stream:read(math.min(n,remain)) remain = remain - rb:len() return rb end return function() stream:read(remain) local nlen = toint(stream:read(2) or "\0\0") if nlen == 0 then return end local name = cleanPath(stream:read(nlen)) local fsize = toint(stream:read(2)) remain = fsize return name, read, fsize end end return mtar