local event = {} function event.pull(t,...) -- number -- -- return an event, optionally with timeout *t* and filter *...*. local tA = {...} if type(t) == "string" then table.insert(tA,1,t) t = 0 end if not t or t <= 0 then t = math.huge end local tE = computer.uptime()+t repeat tEv = {coroutine.yield()} local ret = true for i = 1, #tA do if type(tEv[i]) == "string" and type(tA[i]) == "string" then if not (tEv[i] or ""):match(tA[i]) then ret = false end else ret = tEv[i] == tA[i] end end if ret then return table.unpack(tEv) end until computer.uptime() > tE return nil end function event.listen(e,f) -- string function -- -- run function *f* for every occurance of event *e* os.spawn(function() while true do local tEv = {coroutine.yield()} if tEv[1] == e then f(table.unpack(tEv)) end if not os.taskInfo(os.taskInfo().parent) or (tEv[1] == "unlisten" and tEv[2] == e and tEv[3] == tostring(f)) then break end end end,string.format("[%d] %s listener",os.pid(),e)) end function event.ignore(e,f) -- string function -- stop function *f* running for every occurance of event *e* computer.pushSignal("unlisten",e,tostring(f)) end return event