--[[ packet format: packetID: random string to differentiate packetType: - 0: unreliable - 1: reliable, requires ack - 2: ack packet destination: end destination hostname sender: original sender of packet data: the actual packet data, duh. ]]-- local listeners,timers,processes,modems = {},{},{},{} local hostname = os.getenv("HOSTNAME") local cfg = {} cfg.debug = false cfg.port = 4096 cfg.retry = 10 cfg.retrycount = 64 cfg.route = true local event, component, computer, serial = event, component, computer, serial local hnpath, cfgpath = "", "" OPENOS, PSYCHOS, KITTENOS = false, false, false if _OSVERSION:sub(1,6) == "OpenOS" then OPENOS = true hnpath = "/etc/hostname" cfgpath = "/etc/minitel.cfg" elseif _OSVERSION:sub(1,7) == "PsychOS" then PSYCHOS = true hnpath = "/boot/cfg/hostname" cfgpath = "/boot/cfg/minitel.cfg" elseif _OSVERSION:sub(1,8) == "KittenOS" then KITTENOS = true end -- packet cache: [packet ID]=uptime local pcache = {} cfg.pctime = 30 --[[ LKR format: address { local hardware address remote hardware address time last received } ]]-- cfg.sroutes = {} local rcache = setmetatable({},{__index=cfg.sroutes}) cfg.rctime = 15 --[[ packet queue format: { packetID, packetType destination, data, timestamp, attempts } ]]-- local pqueue = {} local function saveconfig() if OPENOS or PSYCHOS then local f = io.open(cfgpath,"wb") if f then f:write(serial.serialize(cfg)) f:close() end end end local function loadconfig() hostname = os.getenv("HOSTNAME") or computer.address():sub(1,8) if OPENOS or PSYCHOS then local f,g=io.open(hnpath,"rb") if f then hostname = f:read("*a"):match("(.-)\n") f:close() end local f = io.open(cfgpath,"rb") if f then local newcfg = serial.unserialize(f:read("*a")) or {} f:close() for k,v in pairs(newcfg) do cfg[k] = v end else saveconfig() end elseif KITTENOS then local globals = neo.requestAccess("x.neo.pub.globals") -- KittenOS standard hostname stuff if globals then hostname = globals.getSetting("hostname") or hostname globals.setSetting("hostname",hostname) end end end -- specific OS support here if PSYCHOS then -- PsychOS specific code serial = require "serialization" elseif OPENOS then -- OpenOS specific code event = require "event" component = require "component" computer = require "computer" serial = require "serialization" listener = false elseif KITTENOS then neo.requireAccess("s.h.modem_message","pulling packets") computer = {["uptime"]=os.uptime,["address"]=os.address} -- wrap computer so the OpenOS code more or less works function computer.pushSignal(...) for k,v in pairs(processes) do v(...) end end end local function dprint(...) if cfg.debug then print(...) end end function start() loadconfig() print("Hostname: "..hostname) if listener then return end if OPENOS or PSYCHOS then for a,t in component.list("modem") do modems[#modems+1] = component.proxy(a) end for k,v in ipairs(modems) do v.open(cfg.port) print("Opened port "..cfg.port.." on "..v.address:sub(1,8)) end for a,t in component.list("tunnel") do modems[#modems+1] = component.proxy(a) end elseif KITTENOS then for p in neo.requireAccess("c.modem","networking").list() do -- fun stuff for KittenOS dprint(p.address) modems[p.address] = p end for k,v in pairs(modems) do v.open(port) print("Opened port "..port.." on "..v.address) end for p in neo.requireAccess("c.tunnel","networking").list() do dprint(p.address) modems[p.address] = p end end local function genPacketID() local npID = "" for i = 1, 16 do npID = npID .. string.char(math.random(32,126)) end return npID end local function sendPacket(packetID,packetType,dest,sender,vPort,data,repeatingFrom) if rcache[dest] then dprint("Cached", rcache[dest][1],"send",rcache[dest][2],cfg.port,packetID,packetType,dest,sender,vPort,data) if component.type(rcache[dest][1]) == "modem" then component.invoke(rcache[dest][1],"send",rcache[dest][2],cfg.port,packetID,packetType,dest,sender,vPort,data) elseif component.type(rcache[dest][1]) == "tunnel" then component.invoke(rcache[dest][1],"send",packetID,packetType,dest,sender,vPort,data) end else dprint("Not cached", cfg.port,packetID,packetType,dest,sender,vPort,data) if v.address ~= repeatingFrom or (v.type ~= "tunnel" and v.isWireless()) then for k,v in pairs(modems) do if v.type == "modem" then v.broadcast(cfg.port,packetID,packetType,dest,sender,vPort,data) elseif v.type == "tunnel" then v.send(packetID,packetType,dest,sender,vPort,data) end end end end end local function pruneCache() for k,v in pairs(rcache) do dprint(k,v[3],computer.uptime()) if v[3] < computer.uptime() then rcache[k] = nil dprint("pruned "..k.." from routing cache") end end for k,v in pairs(pcache) do if v < computer.uptime() then pcache[k] = nil dprint("pruned "..k.." from packet cache") end end end local function checkPCache(packetID) dprint(packetID) for k,v in pairs(pcache) do dprint(k) if k == packetID then return true end end return false end local function processPacket(_,localModem,from,pport,_,packetID,packetType,dest,sender,vPort,data) pruneCache() if pport == cfg.port or pport == 0 then -- for linked cards dprint(cfg.port,vPort,packetType,dest) if checkPCache(packetID) then return end if dest == hostname then if packetType == 1 then sendPacket(genPacketID(),2,sender,hostname,vPort,packetID) end if packetType == 2 then dprint("Dropping "..data.." from queue") pqueue[data] = nil computer.pushSignal("net_ack",data) end if packetType ~= 2 then computer.pushSignal("net_msg",sender,vPort,data) end elseif dest:sub(1,1) == "~" then -- broadcasts start with ~ computer.pushSignal("net_broadcast",sender,vPort,data) elseif cfg.route then -- repeat packets if route is enabled sendPacket(packetID,packetType,dest,sender,vPort,data,localModem) end if not rcache[sender] then -- add the sender to the rcache dprint("rcache: "..sender..":", localModem,from,computer.uptime()) rcache[sender] = {localModem,from,computer.uptime()+cfg.rctime} end if not pcache[packetID] then -- add the packet ID to the pcache pcache[packetID] = computer.uptime()+cfg.pctime end end end local function queuePacket(_,ptype,to,vPort,data,npID) npID = npID or genPacketID() if to == hostname or to == "localhost" then computer.pushSignal("net_msg",to,vPort,data) computer.pushSignal("net_ack",npID) return end pqueue[npID] = {ptype,to,vPort,data,0,0} dprint(npID,table.unpack(pqueue[npID])) end local function packetPusher() for k,v in pairs(pqueue) do if v[5] < computer.uptime() then dprint(k,v[1],v[2],hostname,v[3],v[4]) sendPacket(k,v[1],v[2],hostname,v[3],v[4]) if v[1] ~= 1 or v[6] == cfg.retrycount then pqueue[k] = nil else pqueue[k][5]=computer.uptime()+cfg.retry pqueue[k][6]=pqueue[k][6]+1 end end end end listeners["modem_message"]=processPacket listeners["net_send"]=queuePacket if OPENOS then event.listen("modem_message",processPacket) print("Started packet listening daemon: "..tostring(processPacket)) event.listen("net_send",queuePacket) print("Started packet queueing daemon: "..tostring(queuePacket)) timers[#timers+1]=event.timer(0,packetPusher,math.huge) print("Started packet pusher: "..tostring(timers[#timers])) elseif KITTENOS then neo.requireAccess("r.svc.minitel","minitel daemon")(function(pkg,pid,sendSig) processes[pid] = sendSig return {["sendPacket"]=queuePacket} end) end if KITTENOS or PSYCHOS then while true do local ev = {coroutine.yield()} packetPusher() pruneCache() if ev[1] == "k.procdie" then processes[ev[3]] = nil end if listeners[ev[1]] then pcall(listeners[ev[1]],table.unpack(ev)) end end end end function stop() for k,v in pairs(listeners) do event.ignore(k,v) print("Stopped listener: "..tostring(v)) end for k,v in pairs(timers) do event.cancel(v) print("Stopped timer: "..tostring(v)) end end function set(k,v) if type(cfg[k]) == "string" then cfg[k] = v elseif type(cfg[k]) == "number" then cfg[k] = tonumber(v) elseif type(cfg[k]) == "boolean" then if v:lower():sub(1,1) == "t" then cfg[k] = true else cfg[k] = false end end print("cfg."..k.." = "..tostring(cfg[k])) saveconfig() end function set_route(to,laddr,raddr) cfg.sroutes[to] = {laddr,raddr,0} end function del_route(to) cfg.sroutes[to] = nil end if not OPENOS then start() end