local function mount(addr) dest = component.invoke(addr,"getLabel") or "mnt/"..addr:sub(1,3) dest = "/"..dest syslog("Mounting "..addr.." to "..dest) fs.makeDirectory(dest) local w,r = fs.mount(dest,component.proxy(addr)) if not w then syslog("Failed to mount: "..r) end end for addr, _ in component.list("filesystem") do mount(addr) end function start() return os.spawn(function() while true do local tE = {coroutine.yield()} if tE[1] == "component_added" and tE[3] == "filesystem" then mount(tE[2]) elseif tE[1] == "component_removed" and tE[3] == "filesystem" then fs.umount("/mnt/"..tE[2]:sub(1,3)) end end end,"fsmanager") end