local serial = require "serialization" local minitel = require "minitel" local event = require "event" local rpc = {} _G.rpcf = {} rpc.port = 111 local function rpcexec(_, from, port, data) if port == rpc.port then local rpcrq = serial.unserialize(data) local rpcn, rpcid = table.remove(rpcrq,1), table.remove(rpcrq,1) if rpcf[rpcn] then local rt = {pcall(rpcf[rpcn],table.unpack(rpcrq))} if rt[1] == true then table.remove(rt,1) end minitel.send(from,port,serial.serialize({rpcid,table.unpack(rt)})) else end end end function rpcf.list() local rt = {} for k,v in pairs(rpcf) do rt[#rt+1] = k end return rt end function rpc.call(hostname,fn,...) -- string string -- boolean -- Calls exported function *fn* on host *hostname*, with parameters *...*, returning whatever the function returns, or false. if hostname == "localhost" then return rpcf[fn](...) end local rv = minitel.genPacketID() minitel.rsend(hostname,rpc.port,serial.serialize({fn,rv,...}),true) local st = computer.uptime() local rt = {} repeat local _, from, port, data = event.pull(30, "net_msg", hostname, rpc.port) rt = serial.unserialize(tostring(data)) or {} until (type(rt) == "table" and rt[1] == rv) or computer.uptime() > st + 30 if table.remove(rt,1) == rv then return table.unpack(rt) end return false end function rpc.proxy(hostname,filter) -- string string -- table -- Returns a component.proxy()-like table from the functions on *hostname* with names matching *filter*. filter=(filter or "").."(.+)" local fnames = rpc.call(hostname,"list") if not fnames then return false end local rt = {} for k,v in pairs(fnames) do fv = v:match(filter) if fv then rt[fv] = function(...) return rpc.call(hostname,v,...) end end end return rt end function rpc.register(name,fn) -- string function -- -- Registers a function to be exported by the RPC library. local rpcrunning = false for k,v in pairs(os.tasks()) do if os.taskInfo(v).name == "rpc daemon" then rpcrunning = true end end if not rpcrunning then os.spawn(function() while true do rpcexec(event.pull("net_msg")) end end,"rpc daemon") end rpcf[name] = fn end return rpc