iofs = {} iofs.files = {} iofs.fds = {} iofs.nextfd = 0 iofs.component = {} local function rfalse() return false end function iofs.component.getLabel() return "iofs" end iofs.component.spaceUsed, iofs.component.spaceTotal, iofs.component.isReadOnly, iofs.component.isDirectory,iofs.component.size, iofs.component.setLabel = function() return computer.totalMemory()-computer.freeMemory() end, computer.totalMemory, rfalse, rfalse, rfalse, rfalse function iofs.component.exists(fname) return iofs.files[fname] ~= nil end function iofs.component.list() local t = {} for k,v in pairs(iofs.files) do t[#t+1] = k end return t end function, mode) fname=fname:gsub("/","") if iofs.files[fname] then local r,w,c,s = iofs.files[fname](mode) iofs.fds[iofs.nextfd] = {["read"]=r or rfalse,["write"]=w or rfalse,["seek"]=s or rfalse,["close"]=c or rfalse} iofs.nextfd = iofs.nextfd + 1 return iofs.nextfd - 1 end return false end function,count) if iofs.fds[fd] then return iofs.fds[fd].read(count) end end function iofs.component.write(fd,data) if iofs.fds[fd] then return iofs.fds[fd].write(data) end end function iofs.component.close(fd) if iofs.fds[fd] then iofs.fds[fd].close() end iofs.fds[fd] = nil end function,...) if iofs.fds[fd] then return iofs.fds[fd].seek(...) end end function iofs.register(fname,fopen) -- Register a new iofs node with the name *fname* that will run the function *fopen* when opened. This function should return a function for read, a function for write, function for close, and optionally, a function for seek, in that order. iofs.files[fname] = fopen end fs.mounts.iofs = iofs.component