local serial = require "serialization" local rc = {} rc.pids = {} local service = {} local cfg = {} cfg.enabled = {"getty","minitel"} local function loadConfig() local f = io.open("/boot/cfg/rc.cfg","rb") if not f then return false end cfg = serial.unserialize(f:read("*a")) or {} f:close() cfg.enabled = cfg.enabled or {} return true end local function saveConfig() local f = io.open("/boot/cfg/rc.cfg","wb") if not f then return false end f:write(serial.serialize(cfg)) f:close() return true end function rc.load(name,force) -- string boolean -- table -- Attempts to load service *name*, and if *force* is true, replaces the current instance. if force then rc.stop(name) service[name] = nil end if service[name] then return true end service[name] = setmetatable({},{__index=_G}) local f = io.open("/boot/service/"..name..".lua","rb") local res = load(f:read("*a"),name,"t",service[name])() f:close() return res end function rc.stop(name,...) -- string -- boolean string -- Stops service *name*, supplying *...* to the stop function. Returns false and a reason if this fails. if not service[name] then return false, "service not found" end if service[name].stop then service[name].stop(...) coroutine.yield() end if rc.pids[name] then os.kill(rc.pids[name]) end rc.pids[name] = nil end function rc.start(name,...) -- string -- boolean string -- Stops service *name*, supplying *...* to the stop function. Returns false and a reason if this fails. rc.load(name) if not service[name] then return false, "service not found" end local rv = {service[name].start(...)} if type(rv[1]) == "number" then rc.pids[name] = rv[1] end end function rc.restart(name) -- string -- -- Restarts service *name* using rc.stop and rc.start. rc.stop(name) rc.start(name) end function rc.enable(name) -- string -- -- Enables service *name* being started on startup. for k,v in pairs(cfg.enabled) do if v == name then return false end end cfg.enabled[#cfg.enabled+1] = name saveConfig() end function rc.disable(name) -- string -- -- Disables service *name* being started on startup. local disabled = false for k,v in pairs(cfg.enabled) do if v == name then table.remove(cfg.enabled,k) disabled = true break end end saveConfig() return disabled end loadConfig() _G.service = service rc.cfg = cfg return rc