function loadfile(p) -- string -- function -- reads file *p* and returns a function if possible local f =,"rb") local c = f:read("*a") f:close() return load(c,p,"t") end function runfile(p,...) -- string -- -- runs file *p* with arbitrary arguments in the current thread return loadfile(p)(...) end _G.package = {} package.path="./?;./?.lua;/boot/lib/?.lua;/pkg/lib/?.lua;/boot/lib/?/init.lua;/pkg/lib/?/init.lua" package.loaded = {computer=computer,component=component,fs=fs,buffer=buffer} function require(f,force) -- string boolean -- table -- searches for a library with name *f* and returns what the library returns, if possible. if *force* is set, loads the library even if it is cached if not package.loaded[f] or force then local ln = f:gsub("%.","/") for d in package.path:gmatch("[^;]+") do local p = d:gsub("%?",ln) if fs.exists(p) and not fs.isDirectory(p) then package.loaded[f] = runfile(p) break end end end if package.loaded[f] then return package.loaded[f] end error("library not found: "..f) end function reload(f) -- string -- table -- Reloads library *f* from disk into memory. return require(f,true) end