Fix document generation on Windows (using Git Bash) #3

izaya слито 1 коммит(ов) из Skye/OC-PsychOS2:git-windows-bash-fixes в master 2020-05-14 14:11:23 +10:00
Skye прокомментировал(а) 2020-05-13 01:31:28 +10:00
  • Made finddesc.lua execute commands using sh -c 'command', which ensures that Unix-like shell is used instead of cmd.exe
  • Made finddesc.lua avoid a situation where it would end up with a double '/' in outpath
  • Redirect output of deleting the document to null to avoid pointless "No such file or directory" errors.
* Made finddesc.lua execute commands using `sh -c 'command'`, which ensures that Unix-like shell is used instead of cmd.exe * Made finddesc.lua avoid a situation where it would end up with a double '/' in `outpath` * Redirect output of deleting the document to null to avoid pointless "No such file or directory" errors.
izaya был(а) назначен(а) Skye 2020-05-13 01:31:29 +10:00
izaya закрыл этот запрос на слияние 2020-05-14 14:11:23 +10:00
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Ссылка: izaya/OC-PsychOS2#3
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