Fix document generation on Windows (using Git Bash)

* Made finddesc.lua execute commands using `sh -c 'command'`, which ensures that Unix-like shell is used instead of cmd.exe
* Made finddesc.lua avoid a situation where it would end up with a double '/' in `outpath`
* Redirect output of deleting the document to null to avoid pointless "No such file or directory" errors.
This commit is contained in:
Skye M 2020-05-12 16:29:44 +01:00
джерело b89ff14d5c
коміт 56af6d1ade
2 змінених файлів з 4 додано та 3 видалено

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ cat target/version.lua target/init.lua > target/tinit.lua
mv target/tinit.lua target/init.lua
cp -r service/ lib/ cfg/ target/
rm target/version.lua
rm -r doc/
rm -r doc/ &>/dev/null
$LUA finddesc.lua doc/ $(find lib/ module/ -type f|sort)
$LUA gendoc.lua target/doc/kernel.dict $(find module/ -type f|sort)
pandoc doc/ docs-metadata.yml --template=template.tex -o doc/apidoc.pdf

@ -36,7 +36,8 @@ local function formatDocs(fd)
return rs
os.execute("mkdir -p "..outpath)
os.execute("sh -c 'mkdir -p "..outpath .. "'")
if outpath:sub(#outpath) == "/" then outpath = outpath:sub(1, #outpath - 1) end
local ad ="/","w")
for k,v in pairs(tA) do
@ -44,7 +45,7 @@ for k,v in pairs(tA) do
local ds = formatDocs(fd)
print(string.format("%s: %i",v,ds:len()))
if ds and ds:len() > 0 then
os.execute("mkdir -p $(dirname \""..outpath.."/"..v.."\")")
os.execute("sh -c 'mkdir -p $(dirname \""..outpath.."/"..v.."\")'")
local f ="/"..v:gsub("%.lua$",".md"),"wb")
f:write(string.format("# %s\n\n",v))