local tA = {...} local nport = tA[1] or "23" function nshdw(h,p,s) spawn("nshdw["..tostring(s).."]",function() print(pcall(function() while true do local sI = os.getenv("sI") local ev = {event.pull()} if ev[1] == "net_msg" and ev[2] == h and ev[3] == p then event.push("key",sI,string.byte(ev[4]:sub(1,1)),string.byte(ev[4]:sub(2,2))) elseif ev[1] == "display" and ev[2] == sI then if ev[3]:len() < 1024 then net.send(h,p,ev[3]) else for i = 1, ev[3]:len(), 1024 do net.send(h,p,ev[3]:sub(i,i+1023)) end end end end end)) end,{sI=s}) end spawn("nshd["..tostring(nport).."]",function() print(pcall(function() while true do local _, src, port, msg = event.pull("net_msg") if port == nport and msg == "initnsh2" then local cport = math.random(65535-1024,65535) local ns = "nsh-"..tostring(cport) net.send(src,port,tostring(cport)) luash(ns) nshdw(src,cport,ns) end end end)) end)