tA = {...} local h,p = tA[1], tonumber(tA[2]) local function nshcw(h,p) while true do local sI = os.getenv("sI") local ev = {event.pull()} if ev[1] == "net_msg" and ev[2] == h and ev[3] == p then write(ev[4]) elseif ev[1] == "key" and ev[2] == sI then net.send(h,p,string.char(ev[3],ev[4])) end end end net.send(h,p or 23,"initnsh2") local bt = os.time() local tp,src,port,msg repeat tp, src, port, msg = event.pull() until (tp == "net_msg" and src == h and port == p) or os.time() > bt+16 if tp == "net_msg" then nshcw(h,tonumber(msg)) else print("timeout.") end