_G.DEFAC = 1 do if component.list("gpu")() and component.list("screen")() and component.list("keyboard")() and tty and kbd then local ts = {} if fs.exists("/boot/sys/session.dat") then local f = io.open("/boot/sys/session.dat","rb") if f then S = f:read("*a") f:close() log(S) for line in S:gmatch("[^\n]+") do log(line) local ga, sa, ka = line:match("(.+)\t(.+)\t(.+)") ts[#ts+1] = {os.gensalt(16),ga,sa,ka} log() end end else ts[1] = {os.gensalt(16),component.list("gpu")(),component.list("screen")(),component.list("keyboard")()} -- session name, GPU address, screen address, keyboard address end for k,v in ipairs(ts) do log(v[1],v[2],v[3],v[4]) tty(v[2],v[3],v[1]) kbd(v[4],v[1]) luash(v[1]) end elseif nshd then nshd(23) end end computer.beep()