function _G.net_send(id,po,msg) -- id, port, message event.push("sendmsg",id,po,msg) end spawn("network daemon",function () tM,nP,_G.nID,nVL = {}, 4096, computer.address():sub(1,8), 1 for a,t in component.list("modem") do -- open the port of the vlan on all network interfaces table.insert(tM,component.proxy(a)) component.proxy(a).open(nVL) end while true do local ev = {event.pull()} -- this totally isn't just MultICE code with a fancy wrapper if ev[1] == "sendmsg" then local eT = ev for k,v in ipairs(tM) do v.broadcast(nVL,nP,eT[2],nID,eT[3],eT[4]) end elseif ev[1] == "modem_message" then if ev[7] == nID then event.push("net_msg",ev[8],ev[9],ev[10]) end end end end)