net.mtu = 256 function net.sendstring(addr,port,msg) -- for sending lots of data net.send(addr,port,math.ceil(msg:len()/net.mtu)) for i = 1, #msg, net.mtu do net.send(addr,port,msg:sub(i,(i+net.mtu)-1)) coroutine.yield() coroutine.yield() end end function net.recvstring(addr,port) local t,fr,po,msg = {},"","","" repeat t,fr,po,msg = event.pull("net_msg",10) if not t then return end until fr == addr and po == port local ml,s = tonumber(msg), "" for i = 1, ml do t,fr,po,msg = event.pull("net_msg",10) if t == nil then break end if fr == addr and po == port then s=s..tostring(msg) end end return s end