local tA = {...} local rf = tA[1] local wget = wget or loadfile("/boot/exec/wget.lua") if not wget then print("wget is required to run this program") elseif rf and pcall(fs.exists,rf) then local pref = tA[2] or "/boot/" local files = {} local lrf = "/tmp/rf.txt" local function precipe(s) local t = {} for line in s:gmatch("[^\n\r]+") do t[#t+1] = {line:match("(.+)[ \t](.+)")} local S = t[#t][1] t[#t][1] = "" for c in S:gmatch(".") do if (string.byte(c) > 31 and string.byte(c) < 127) then t[#t][1] = t[#t][1]..c end local S = t[#t][2] t[#t][2] = "" for c in S:gmatch(".") do if (string.byte(c) > 31 and string.byte(c) < 127) then t[#t][2] = t[#t][2]..c end end end end return t end local function dl(p,u) if u:sub(1,8) == "https://" or u:sub(1,7) == "http://" then wget(u,pref..p) end end if rf:sub(1,8) == "https://" or rf:sub(1,7) == "http://" then wget(rf,"/tmp/rf.txt") else lrf = rf end local f=io.open(lrf) if not f then return false, "no recipe" end files=precipe(f:read("*a")) f:close() local count = 1 local total = #files for k,v in ipairs(files) do print(tostring(count).."/"..tostring(total)..": "..pref..v[2]) dl(v[2],v[1]) count=count+1 end end